Our local Taiao

What is one thing everybody loves about The Gardens? If you guessed Tōtara Park or Botanic Gardens, Good job. As I live in The Gardens, in my perspective both Tōtara Park and Botanic Gardens are extraordinary places, but everything has differences and similarities. So I will be talking about the similarities and differences of Tōtara Park and Botanic Gardens. Although one connection of these places is, Can you guess what it is? If you guessed that they are both connected to Kaitiakitanga. Great Job. Now let’s get into it!

Tōtara Park is a really nice place to go on a stroll or for a run, but it has some downsides. Such as it’s really muddy and sometimes smelly due to the Puhinui stream. It’s more of a forest than a park as there are lots of trees in one area. There are also two playgrounds. One with a zipline and a big slide and the other with rock climbing. There is lot’s of benches to sit on but less water of the Puhinui stream.

Botanic Gardens is also a really nice place with lots of flowers and gardens. There is also a Potter Children’s Garden which is really fun to be in. It has this enormous egg with a crack which you can sit in. There is also a bird statue where you can put berries in the bird’s mouth and it will poop it out green. It’s actually pretty cool if you ask me, as I used to go there a lot as a child when I was around 3 or 4 years old and there is lot’s of picnic areas, how do I know? When I was a child I used to go to Botanic Gardens during the school holidays with friends and family. As you may know Botanic Gardens and Tōtara Park are both connected to Kaitiakitanga as Kaitiakitanga means Guardians of Nature and Botanic Gardens and Tōtara Park are both connected to nature so therefore they both are connected to Kaitiakitanga.

Here is a little video about this blog.RPReplay_Final1723768242

8 thoughts on “Our local Taiao”

  1. Great job,Gurpreet! When you said “Although one connection of these places is, Can you guess what it is?” It didn’t really make sense because of the comma, but you still did a great job overall. That question “ Although one connection of these places is, Can you guess what it is?” made sense in my brain (somehow) and I guessed Puhinui Stream but looks like I was incorrect. In your second paragraph, it really was just a straightforward thing and not really in Intermediate standard but you could make improvements in your writing.
    Overall I rate this blog(AND the video) a 9.59 out of ten. The video could’ve been better and grammar!

  2. Nice writing gurpreet I like how it is really detailed and in good order. Maybe add a photo instead of a video next time.

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