As I walk up the hill to the school gate, I noticed that it was quieter than usual. No one was in Central park… and I got a little worried because, what if [...]
Last week we had buddy valentines! My actual buddy was away so I got Sara’s buddy! When I arrived, we played in the sandpit and built many sculptures. She [...]
The Science Fair Moments later, I found myself outside of my old school. The memories it brought back to my head couldn’t leave. After all… The explosion [...]
Ambury Regional Park At last, the day I’ve been waiting for. It has come so soon, I forgot to prepare my lunch for today. “Mum? Can we go to the bakery to [...]
Mythical creature As the morning passes by quickly, I awaken to a noise in the forest. It wasn’t surprising since I live in the forest alone but then I [...]
If you were setting off to Mars and could take only three luxury items with you, what would they be and why? Going to Mars is a big achievement because [...]
A recipe for Souls Ingredients: Pettiness. Bodies (Animal, humans, not specific your choice). Personality (Rude, Ugly, Good, don’t care). Quiet and loud [...]
The Commonwealth games happen every 4 years, it’s like the Olympic games but with fewer countries and fewer games. There are many countries in the [...]