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Week 5/6 Blog
As I walk up the hill to the school gate, I noticed that it was quieter than usual. No one was in Central park… and I got a little worried because, what if [...]
Buddy Maths – Reflection
Last week we had buddy valentines! My actual buddy was away so I got Sara’s buddy! When I arrived, we played in the sandpit and built many sculptures. She [...]
The Science Fair
The Science Fair  Moments later, I found myself outside of my old school. The memories it brought back to my head couldn’t leave. After all… The explosion [...]
Ambury Regional Park
Ambury Regional Park At last, the day I’ve been waiting for. It has come so soon, I forgot to prepare my lunch for today. “Mum? Can we go to the bakery to [...]
My Mythical Creature
Mythical creature  As the morning passes by quickly, I awaken to a noise in the forest. It wasn’t surprising since I live in the forest alone but then I [...]
Halloween                                            Come on, why won’t this thing stay on! I’m going to be late for the Halloween disco and this is my [...]
Athletics Day
Athletics Day  As I walked down to the start line, my breathing got heavier and the voices got louder. I couldn’t hear my friends because of the [...]
If you were setting off to Mars and could take only three luxury items with you, what would they be and why?
If you were setting off to Mars and could take only three luxury items with you, what would they be and why? Going to Mars is a big achievement because [...]
A recipe for Souls
A recipe for Souls Ingredients: Pettiness. Bodies (Animal, humans, not specific your choice). Personality (Rude, Ugly, Good, don’t care). Quiet and loud [...]
The Commonwealth Country – Cameroon
The Commonwealth games happen every 4 years, it’s like the Olympic games but with fewer countries and fewer games. There are many countries in the [...]
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