
Steam term 4 Kaitiakitanga Minecraft

Week 2/3

What is an advertisement

An advertisement is like an new brand of a thing like first example ice cream you write fact or like adjective like creamy milky ice cream buy now 2$ and 50 cents.

What is canva

Canva is an we’re you can make advertisements or poster of anything in world there are many things to explore and wonder with all types of images.

What I enjoyed about canva

I enjoyed how canva had so many unique features like different colours textures you could change the size and there were many images.


STEAM Term 4 Kaitiakitanga Minecraft


We planed to make two teams fire and nature. There will be places with loot inside the teams have to get the loot and fight each other

Storyline                                                                                           All the people in the nature team get bonemeal and
saplings they have to plant them in go the places
get the loot and kill fire before the fire destroy
all you,re plants and trees.
The fire team has to get the loot before the nature team dose after getting the
Loot they have to break and kill the other team and survive from the nature

Name of the game fire vs nacture


Rules: no changing you’re team and cheating



Week 4/5

How to build a world

Do you need to go onto Minecraft then go onto settings and then you can choose the world type infinity or a flat after that you go onto on the difficulty there’s four of them choose anyone you want then after that you just click start or play or host if you click host then all the players can join you and if you don’t want them to join you then just click play

Tips &tricks

command are One of the most useful things so whenever you’re playing Minecraft world does try to know look some of the commands then you can get a huge Headstart in the Minecraft world.

learn how to use Redstone because Redstone is one of the most useful items in the game to make a lot of cool contractions.

Last of all have Fun.



First a fire ant is an egg and then it hatch’s into a larva.Later it turns into a pupae, afterwards it becomes the last stage the… adult. That’s the life of a fire ant

here’s the photo:


The Physical Characteristics Of Insects

In week 9 of steam we learnt about labelling insects the first one we had to look and label was the insect cicada.We had to label where the antenna go, thorax, wings, head, legs, and were the exoskeleton goes and I got all of them correct. The 2nd one we had to label was a weta for that one we had to label the conpound eyes, legs, antenna, abdomen, wings, head and thorax here are the photos.

Thier both insects that look scary.
one has wings and the other one doesn’t.

Dragonfly’s are similar to the weta and a stink bug is similar to the cicada









insects roles in our world

In week two in steam we leaned about five ways insects help our world

First, insects are pollinators, and we learned how plants use bright colours and nice smells to attract insects. Second, insects can help by decomposing wast and organic matter, and we learned that a hard working insect is the dung beetle with around 7000 species in 6 different continents. After that I learned, insects control pest populations, and that the dragonfly feeds on pests. Fourth I learned, insects are a food source, that insects are important in 2 billion people’s diets. Last but not least I learned, insects are inspiring, and that insects have inspired people to make art work.
















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