Kaitiakitanga – Writing Competition!


Dear Reader,

Do you know what pollution is? How it affects our environment? What serious issues are currently happening to our world? Please let me take a few minutes of your time to explain what we need to do to help the environment and to be kaitiaki.


First of all, you may be wondering what “kaitiaki” or “kaitiakitanga” means. Those words refer to being a guardian or showing leadership to our environment, especially to our lands and oceans. Us humans particularly destroy and ruin these crucial places which is the habitat for most of our sea life and land life. It is our duty to take responsibility and look after where we live and make Earth a better place for both humans and animals to live.


You may be wondering, how are we slowly destroying our planet Earth? We humans are the cause of many terrible things, mainly pollution. Our actions are resulting in water pollution by vehicles. We use leaking oils on the roads, then follow into the sewage and drains causing it to go into the oceans and rivers which can contaminate the seafood that we consume. If the marine life happens to consume or ingest these oils, they will get poisoned and die. 


Plastic pollution comes from various sources. Such as: plastic packaging/containers, bottles, plastic bags, etc. These plastics can end up in the ocean by people not putting them in the rubbish bins and leaving it out on the sidewalk or throwing it out of their windows carelessly, and possibly killing the aquatic species.


In summary, there are still lots of pollutants left in the world that can contaminate and endanger our life on Earth. Fortunately, there are many ways to keep our environment clean, as simple as just picking up rubbish near you. So be responsible, be kaitiakitanga.

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