2024 Kāhu Camp

Hello there i’m going to tell you about the amazing time the Kāhu students had at camp!

It all started on a Monday morning 18th of November intermediates came to school from 9:30 – 9:45They all were excited for the busses that come at 10:25 all the kids went into the hall placing their luggage by their group number i was group 9, Then we placed fruits and home baked  delights like cookies ,brownies and more some people felt bad for not bringing what they were told to but the teachers said it was finethe other table was board games table where you place your board games and get them named and final table the medication table where the kids that need medication would drop their stuff off enough of that, now we are talking about camp as we got into the buss we went by groups from 1-12 as we got their we got out of the bus and sat in our group lines as the teachers do their rolls pardon me i forgot to say, thier have been parents from families without their help we would have never been able to do what we did at camp. so we got into our lines as the teachers were calling the roll, a few minutes later we got told to spread out for lunch! minutes later we got to set up our cabins and play a game of capture the flag until dunner was ready we played a total of 3 games.

Dinner was great but the next morning we had breakfast then groups 9-12 went to pack lunch for the hike to Hanua falls Which we took camp Adirs private trail up killer hill, while groups 1-8 did their camp activities groups 9-12 got back as dinner was on the horizon we did a quick waiata and haka practice throughout tue wed and thu we all had fun doing camp activities like the high beam and archery!!!

my faviroute  guy was the guy that said skipidi