Kaitiakitanga :)

kaitiakitanga also known as guardians of the galaSEA/garden this term in the kahu we have been learning about plants and nature such as trees plants and more! we went for a walk out on totaras path discovering new things with the seek app! Seek By INaturalist

and we are comparing the differences between Totara park and the puhinui stream in the botanical gardens as it is known for its massive plant INVASION!!! growing up to 10,000 plants making it a big gardens but that’s not what we are reading for kaitiakitanga is many words in one being guardians of the ecosystem looking after the plants of our garden. time to be a Guardian of the GalyxSEA

6 thoughts on “Kaitiakitanga :)

  1. Great job on all the detail maybe add more photos and write more about what you learnt and that stuff great job tho

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