were you born on halloween? well PeterJackson was.
Peter Jackson’s early life
Peter Jackson was born on October 31 1961 and grew up sea side village of pukerua bay.He fell in love for films as a child.He was inspird by the adventures and he would in and around his house.When he grew into his teenage years he atteneded kāpiti college.then got a job as a photographer for the news.
What did peter jackson do after high school
he left school at 17 and began shooting a science fiction comedy short then in 1986 he quit his as an apprentice photo engraver after he received his first grant fromnew zealand film commission of 5,000 dollors.
what movies did Peter Jackson direct and how much money hes made
Peter Jackson made tons of great movies like the hobbit, lord of the ring,bad taste and meny more.He has maked 898.2million in USD and made 20 million per each hobbit film .
You have written a well detailed blog hurricane. Well done. You could have added pictures though to add even more detail.
Thanks for the information I’ll work on it
Good story very detailed but maybe add some punctuation
ill be sure to add more next time
Nice work hurricane but I may say that you would need some punctuation and some of the Peter Jackson picture.
Thank you
It’s really good but the punctuation, is not that good.