what’s different about tōtara and Botanical gardens-The Botanical gardens have more rare plants e.g African plants.Tōtara has no building round the place or food trucks like the Botanical gardens have.The botanical also has more colours than tōtara.Tōtara park has more native species , and also has some pests living there.Tōtara park normally has less people a day than the Botanical gardens do.Tōtara park also is more crowded by nature, unlike the botanical gardens which have a lot of open space.
similarities between Tōtara and Botanical-
The similarities between Tōtara and Botanical is that they are both connected to our local iwi and environment.There also the same because they are both located in the suburb on Manurewa.
How is Tōtara and botanical gardens connected to Kaitiakitanga –
Kaitiakitanga is a New Zealand Māori term used for the concept of guardianship of the sky,the sea,and the land. A kaitiaki is a guardian, and the process and practices of protecting and looking after the environment are referred to as kaitiakitanga.That’s how they are connected in a way.