

in  the first week of steam we had to get into groups with our classes, for example all of the tūī 5 people in the steam group had to be in a group.I got into a group with Aarya, Samrita, Nathuli, Jacob, Amirah and Maryam.We decided that me, Aarya and Samrita will work in a group and Jacob, Nathuli, Amirah and Maryam will work in a group.We all had one big paper and had to make a poster about Kaitiakitanga, how we can stop ruining the world and stuff we should stop doing.Aarya was writing everything because she has very good handwriting, I searched things up and Samrita made the paper all colourful and pretty.The first thing we wrote was our meaning which was : Kaitiakitanga means guardians of the land.Protecting the Earth & animals that live inside.Giving attention to animals, birds, insects and fish including fresh-water fish.The dictionary meaning was : The dictionary meaning of Kaitiakitanga is a New Zealand Māori term used for the concept of guardianship of the sky, the sea and the land.We wrote three things of how we can protect the land, protect the water and protect the animals.For how we can protect the land we wrote : 1)Volunteer to help clean up in your community.2) Don’t leave your rubbish on the groundand 3) is to Recycle items.Now for how we can protect the water : 1) Clean-up the ocean, 2) Don’t leave your rubbish by the ocean and 3) is to Waste less water.Finally for how we can protect the animals is : 1) Don’t destroy their homes, 2) Don’t kill the animal’s and 3) is to Avoid fishing and hunting animals.


Steam Stop Motion – The Rain Cycle

In steam we had to make a stop motion that has something to do with kaitiakitanga.We would need to do a life cycle of something and me and my partner (Samrita) choose to do a life cycle about rain and how it works.The steam group had to first make a plan of what we were gonna do.Me and Samrita drew ninth boxes in our steam book and then drew the story, here’s how it goes.The first box was just the setting and background which was a lake with mountains at the end.The second box was the sun shining on the water and the water was boiling up.The third box was about the boiled water dreaming up into the sky.The fourth box was that the steam turns into small rain balls.The fifth box has the rain balls come together and make a cloud.The sixth box had the cloud raining.On the seventh box the setting has changed into a house, there was a bucket on the roof and the rain was going into the bucket.The eighth box had another different setting where the raining stopped and the setting was a back yard with a pool, two gardens and a muddy puddle.The bucket was pouring water into one of the gardens with the sun being bright as ever.The last and final box which is the tenth box just said ‘The end’ in a bubble font.