

In steam my class needs to be in groups of 5 and talk about insects.I was in a group with Ryan, Melody, Elsa and Harjap.Here are some stuff you should probably know! Do you know that there is a hard working bug that decomposing and it’s called a dung beetle.The dung beetle isn’t that popular and is underrated but i think that the dung beetle should be more known because how hard it works.The dung beetle has around 7000 species in 6 different countries! Wow that’s a lot right!? What you should also know is that if the world didn’t have any insects, the world would be disgusting and gross.That’s why we need to care for our insects and not kill them like ants for example, or our bee’s.Bee’s gives us honey which is so delicious and ants are uh..just living! Oh yeah, do you that It supports new plant growth and ensures the ecosystems would receive a constant flow of nutrients? It’s very interesting and so cool to know all these facts!

This paragraph will be about why insects are inspiring.Insects can settle into different environments and they have been here since the dinosaurs so they are survivors(I won’t make it to dramatic so they are just here since the dinosaurs) We can study them and learn about our world.Insects are in every single part of our planet(Literally, well not much of the ocean but the land had lots) insects have unique adaptations and features that inspire the development of medical devices and technologies.For example, the microscopic structures on butterfly wings that repel water and dirt have influenced the design of self-cleaning surfaces for medical instruments and implants

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