Tessellation Art


At school I did Tessellation Art. It was really fun. We had to do Tessellation and when we are done we get to Water Paint it at the end.

Tessellation Art is really fun when I did my Tessellation.At Art i did this Kangaroo one and I thought it was going to be easy but it looked really hard so I did a different one it was a triangle one and it was easy for me to do. 

I thought mine was good.I went to the teacher to show my work. The teacher said to go and paint my work so I did.I only did one colour which was blue and purple together and it made this bright purple colour. I painted it all.I was done with my painting so I left it on the table to let it dry.

I went to my friends’ tables to see what their art looked like and it was so cool I looked at other of my friends’ art . I loved all of their art but one of them was the best but they were all good. Most of them finished before me.

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