I think one of the best things in a backyard is a Trampoline. Why? Because you can do lots of tricks on a trampoline and trampolines are really bouncy. Could jump really high. Or you could get a sprinkler and slide on the trampoline and water bombs and lots more.Trampolines can teach you how to do lots of cool tricks like backflips and front flips and lots more cool tricks! And the best thing about a trampoline is that you can have lots of other people on the trampoline too.
I think playgrounds are really fun.Why? Because playgrounds have lots of cool things like you can slide down the slide and swing on the swings and some playgrounds have swings to lay on. You could do lots of cool things. You could put water in the slide and slide down with the water like a water slide, you could play hide & seek and some random games on the playground. Another cool thing is lots of people could join the playground with you.
One more cool thing I think would be cool in a backyard is a Tree house.Why?Because when you first have your treehouse you can decorate it, give it a theme if you want to and add lots of nice things in your treehouse and outside your treehouse.Sometimes treehouses have decks and some are small or big. If you have a small treehouse you can have less than 5 people but if you have a big treehouse you can have less than 10 people you could even add a slide to the treehouse!