When I got to school I went inside with my school bag on and sat on the mat
waiting for the bell to ring. The bell rang and everyone got their bags and went outside me and my class had to wait for the bus to come. The bus came and everyone went inside the bus in a group.
At Ambury Park
When we got to Ambury Park my class and me first had morning tea After morning tea we had to go to our groups i was with miss Bontha when we got to our groups
My group and another group first went to the barn Richard told us all about wool and what you can make with wool you could make blankets, bennies and lots more stuff we also did this game where you had to get in a group of four and Richard gave the groups a green bag with different kinds of animal wool and pictures of animals in the bag then we would guess which animal wool that matched with the picture.
Shearing sheep
Both groups went to see the people shearing sheep when we got inside it smelled really smelly but i didn’t care the groups sat on the bleaches and saw the people shearing the sheep there were two men shearing the sheep and there was one man that would be in the back of the shed that makes sure the sheep don’t get out and there was one lady that picks up the sheeps wool and would put it in a machine and would clean up the rest of the tiny bits of the wool off the floor so the shearing people wouldent slip. The people that shear the sheep have to bring them to the other side of the shed by the sheep’s legs so it’s not easy for them to run away because if the sheep is on their legs while shearing them they can just run away.
At the Barn
We went to the barn again and we saw Richard again and he told us to sit on the chairs and we had to be a pair of two and he showed us what we had to do we after he showed us he gave us some sheep wool and this brush but you don’t brush the wool like its a girls hair you have to tap it for it to undo it being like a curl then you separate it a little bit then one person in ur pair has to put their wool in there pocket and the partner has to give one side to the other partner and twist it one partner has to twist one way and the other partner has to twist the opposite way of the other partner and you have to keep stretching it more longer after that you have to put it together and twist it again then do it one more time then were done!
My group went to the other side of the shearing shed and we all sat down on the table and the teachers gave us three felt colors orange, Blue and purple when my whole group got the three colors we have to spread the colors out then put the color you want to be on the bottom then the next color in middle but put it on sideways in the middle and put the last color on the top and flatten it down a little. After that put it on a tray or the sink then dump hot water all over the felt. Then we had to call out BUBBLES in a funny way for dish soap! After you call that the teacher will put dish soap on your felt. You got to scrub it in circles then it starts getting smaller after you scrub it for a good amount of time you can stop scrubbing and it would dry really fast and if you tried to pull it apart it won’t separate.
Seeing the animals
After the felting we all had lunch then we went in a line in our group and went to the farm. My group first saw the sheep and ran around to see the baby lambs after seeing the sheep. We walked to a gate and opened the gate to a long alleyway. On one side I saw chickens and chicks and on the other side there were more baby lambs. When my group and I walked all the way to the end of the alleyway there was another gate. We opened the gate and there was another alleyway. We saw just more baby lambs but we all got to feed some of them. I felt bad for one baby lamb because it was bleeding but It looked like it didn’t even notice it. After everyone was feeding the lambs we left and went to this part of the farm called insect garden. We went in and we didn’t see any insects but all we saw were these ants in these containers that were like stuck to the tree with a door you could open. My group got to go inside where all the chickens and chicks were and we saw a huge animal. I don’t know what it was called but it was really cool when we got out we were just walking and then we saw a pig that escaped. I was just sitting on the grass and I saw people in my group get chased by the sheep and it was like the sheep was in a line of two. Everyone had to walk back to the spot where the barn was and we just went back on the bus.