At the Puhinui stream

At Tuesday As the group and the miss smith went under the trees and the forest and to get to the stream of the Puhinui stream.

The sun light was unable to beam and dance on the shallow low stream of water and then they sampled water with a jar. as the stream are slow moving down its own path and as the teacher with the last student with the last jar filled with water sample as the vast of the fast flow of the stream tries to escape to sea.

The group of students followed the teacher after borrowing the water in the slow flowing bank. After blanking sampled water in the streams bank. Further through they go there were more vegetation in the blood vessels of the bushes and after that they went back to the gardens school to study the water samples after they walked through the mud and they used test tubes and ph level to find out if the water is fresh or not to see if it is safe or not for the marine life.

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