
The gardens trip

Tuesday 6 august 2024

Today we went on another walk through and we went to the gardens instead but we didn’t go in the groups like last time we went in groups of 8-14 people in each group and we went around the gardens with an app called seek. We would look at a random plant and it would scan through dozens of plants and find the exact one it matched with. Now you can take a photo of the plant you have found and add it to a plant encyclopaedia so you can look back on what you had found. While on the walk we saw some cool things we found some native plants and some new areas I have never seen


Tōtora park trip

Tuesday 30 July 2024

Tōtora park trip

Today at school are entire class went to Tōtora park for a trip and get some fresh air as we walked to the park we got separated into different groups 5,6,3 and 4,1,2 we went on different paths 5,6,3 went to the right near the park and 4,1,2 went to the left near the pools I really enjoyed that work good exercise and get some nice fresh air its been awhile since i have last been in tōtora park there were some beauty spots such as a a few mini waterfalls, calm river streams. It was amazing except for the fact that it had been raining and there was a lot of mud.