
J,R,R Tolkien and his amazing Books


Do you know who wrote The “Hobbit”? It was J,R,R Tolkien, it took him 2 and a half years to finish it. He was only 5 years old and there might be a rumour that he wrote it for his children, but that hasn’t been found true yet. He is one of the best known authors today. J.R.R. Tolkien is also the person who wrote lord of the rings, and he wrote more than 29 books. Tolkien has written some of the most iconic movies

Growing up

When Tolkien was growing up his farther died from an rheumatic fever in 1096. His family didn’t have a lot of cash so they lived in poverty but when his farther died that made it even worse. Even when they had no money J,R,R Tolkien was still really creative, he used to draw flowers and mountains with little to no money and J,R,R Tolkien loved learning about languages. (He made Quenya and Sindarin).


J,R,R Tolkien has been so successful there is so many movies based of his works and books like “The Lord Of The Rings : the return of the Kings” It was released in 2003 and it’s rated a 9.0 stars by 2 million people and there’s a new unreleased movies called “The Lord of the Rings:the hunt for Gollum” it might be released in 2026.Now there is a total of six movies of Lord of the Rings and there are mostly in th star recommendations (5 stars and up)

Fun facts

Did you know that J,R,R Tolkien was given the title of the commander of order by Queen Elisabeth? Tolkien created elves and gollums. His net worth is $500 million dollars, after he died Christopher’s second wife Baillie Tolkien and Christopher’s nephew Michael George Tolkien took over his house and inherited a lot of money.


In 1911 J,R,R Tolkien entered Oxeter College, Did you know that J,R,R Tolkien did not get a PHD even though he was one of the most smartest students in the class? But Tolkien achieve a first class degree in Hune 1915, Skip forward to 1925 J,R,R Tolkien returned to Oxford as a professor and a fallow ship at Pembroke collage.(He wrote the Hobbit during his time at Pembroke College.

His death

J,R,R Tolkien passed away on September 2, 1972 at the age of 81. He died in Bournemouth England after an bleeding ulcer and a chest infection. After he died all of his book and with his Knowledge,his work, and languages and mythology has inspired many young book writers and movie casters. Tolkien has secured his place as one of the most well know, respected and celebrated authors of today.


In conclusion we can all agree that J,R,R Tolkien is one of the most well known authors ever, even though he only wrote 29 books in his career. J,R,R is still one of the most iconic authors ever! He lived a long and fantastic life creating amazing books! Sir Peter Jackson even took inspiration for one of J,R,R Tolkiens book called the lord of the Rings and made that book into one of the most iconic movies ever!