Month: November 2024

Week 7 semester 2 Term 4. The reflection STEAM


1Q. what what’s hard or easy during this Steam term?

1A. Something that was easy was, making groups and finding people to work with. Something hard was making the script of the podcast and interviewing people because we kept making mistakes.


2Q. Which task did u enjoy the most?

2A. I enjoyed making the storyboard while adding all the pictures and a few texts on the sides.


3Q. How does your podcast relate to Kaitiakitanga?

3A. Our podcast relates to Kaitiakitanga because, we talk about Kaitiakitanga itself and we also say how you can protect some bears.


4Q. Tips to make a better podcast for the future.

4A. Some tips are.  1. To always start with a open end question and narrow it down to be more specific. 2. You can add some background music so more people would enjoy the podcast. Take time on your logo design so more people will like it.


Week 2 Steam semester 4 making a Sript

We made a story board and a script about our topic


This is our podcast and in our podcast has me and my friend Janiru.This podcasts name is called grizzly bears. My friend Janiru is the script writter and I’m the researcher.


Segment 1 Kaitiakitanga


Kaitiakitanga  means guardians of the Earth. We can be guardians of the Earth by protecting the animals the plants the ocean and anything else.


Segment 2 why are polar bear are endangered.


Polar bears are endangered because, global warming. Global warming melts the ice in Antarctica where polar bears live which makes there habitat smaller which gives them less space to live. Also animals which the polar bears eat get reduced in number which gives the polar bears less to eat.


Segment 3 how we can save the polar bears

We can save the polar bears by…

  1. We can try to stop using fossil fuels
  2. We should try to stop global warming and climate change.



We should always try to be guardians of the Earth ( Kaitiakitanga ). And protect the animals the land the sea and every other living thing.


Steam semester 2 week 3 making open end questions

In week 3 we made open end questions for our STEAM podcast

here is the open end questions


  1.  What does Kaitiakitanga mean?

    2..How do u think u can be a better kaitiakitanga?

3. How can u show guardian ship?

Why are polar bear endangered

1. Why do u think polar bears are endangered
2. How can u help stop the polar bears from being endangered
3. Do u think polar bears will ever be safe from extinction and how?

how do u protect the polar bears

1. How can u help polar bears?

2. Do u want to help the polar bears and why?

3. Do u like polar bears why?