Week 7 semester 2 Term 4. The reflection STEAM


1Q. what what’s hard or easy during this Steam term?

1A. Something that was easy was, making groups and finding people to work with. Something hard was making the script of the podcast and interviewing people because we kept making mistakes.


2Q. Which task did u enjoy the most?

2A. I enjoyed making the storyboard while adding all the pictures and a few texts on the sides.


3Q. How does your podcast relate to Kaitiakitanga?

3A. Our podcast relates to Kaitiakitanga because, we talk about Kaitiakitanga itself and we also say how you can protect some bears.


4Q. Tips to make a better podcast for the future.

4A. Some tips are.  1. To always start with a open end question and narrow it down to be more specific. 2. You can add some background music so more people would enjoy the podcast. Take time on your logo design so more people will like it.


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