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Free verse poetry

How to make a free verse

You can make a Free verse just by writing sentences about a topic, there is no specific requirement,

Heres mine

There’s nothing like Christmas time,

Where snow is covering the streets,

This is where the fun begins

When there is very little sun,

Christmas trees in every house,

Christmas wreath on the front door,

There’s nothing like Christmas.

Week 2 Steam semester 4 making a Sript

We made a story board and a script about our topic


This is our podcast and in our podcast has me and my friend Janiru.This podcasts name is called grizzly bears. My friend Janiru is the script writter and I’m the researcher.


Segment 1 Kaitiakitanga


Kaitiakitanga  means guardians of the Earth. We can be guardians of the Earth by protecting the animals the plants the ocean and anything else.


Segment 2 why are polar bear are endangered.


Polar bears are endangered because, global warming. Global warming melts the ice in Antarctica where polar bears live which makes there habitat smaller which gives them less space to live. Also animals which the polar bears eat get reduced in number which gives the polar bears less to eat.


Segment 3 how we can save the polar bears

We can save the polar bears by…

  1. We can try to stop using fossil fuels
  2. We should try to stop global warming and climate change.



We should always try to be guardians of the Earth ( Kaitiakitanga ). And protect the animals the land the sea and every other living thing.


Steam semester 2 week 3 making open end questions

In week 3 we made open end questions for our STEAM podcast

here is the open end questions


  1.  What does Kaitiakitanga mean?

    2..How do u think u can be a better kaitiakitanga?

3. How can u show guardian ship?

Why are polar bear endangered

1. Why do u think polar bears are endangered
2. How can u help stop the polar bears from being endangered
3. Do u think polar bears will ever be safe from extinction and how?

how do u protect the polar bears

1. How can u help polar bears?

2. Do u want to help the polar bears and why?

3. Do u like polar bears why?

Week 9 steam making an animated sea animal

For week 9 steam we made an animation about a life cycle of any sea animal you like.

For the animation I choose a sea turtle because we’ve learned a lot about many species of sea turtles and I quite enjoy learning about them.

Week 6 Steam Making a book a turtle.

In week 6 we made a book about the sea turtle we used for our turtle fact file. In my fact file I choose a leather back sea turtle so my book was about a leather back sea turtle. My book had a page about the life cycle of a leather back turtle. The next page was about its habitats. After that was about threats to a leatherback turtle. And lastly.

Week 8 Steam marine animal brochure.

Week 8 steam.


For week 8 we made a marine animal brochure. My brochure was about a sea lion. I choose a sea lion because some species of sea lion are endangered and sea lions look very cute. Sea lions don’t live in many places and only live in the environment they have to be in.

Here is my brochure.

Week 4 STEAM

For week 4 we made a fact file about a sea turtle. 

My fact file was about a leather back turtle

Leather back turtles live almost in all the oceans

Leather back turtles suffer due to, Humans, Plastic bags, and climate change.

By September 16, 2024.  No Comments on Week 4 STEAM  Uncategorized   

Week 3 Marine animal Reproduction


is sea animals that lay eggs


are animals that give live birth


are eggs that hatch inside the female and then gives birth


is when an animal transforms to a completely different animal.

Steam term 3 week 5

In week 5 we compared and contrasted a turtle and whale/shark with a Venn diagram. I found out many differences and similarities between a Turtle and a shark.

STEAM week2 exploring the ocean layers

The ocean layers

There are 5 ocean layers of the ocean

Each of the ocean layers consists of many species of marine animals.

The first 1 is the sunlight zone

Then it’s the Twilight zone

After it’s the Midnight

Then it would be the Abyssal zone

And lastly is the Trench zone