Week 4 STEAM
For week 4 we made a fact file about a sea turtle.
My fact file was about a leather back turtle
Leather back turtles live almost in all the oceans
Leather back turtles suffer due to, Humans, Plastic bags, and climate change.
Week 3 Marine animal Reproduction
is sea animals that lay eggs
are animals that give live birth
are eggs that hatch inside the female and then gives birth
is when an animal transforms to a completely different animal.
Steam term 3 week 5
In week 5 we compared and contrasted a turtle and whale/shark with a Venn diagram. I found out many differences and similarities between a Turtle and a shark.
STEAM week2 exploring the ocean layers
The ocean layers
There are 5 ocean layers of the ocean
Each of the ocean layers consists of many species of marine animals.
The first 1 is the sunlight zone
Then it’s the Twilight zone
After it’s the Midnight
Then it would be the Abyssal zone
And lastly is the Trench zone
Steam week 1 – exploring sea creatures
1. I wonder how many animals live in the sea.
2. I wonder how deep the big blue ocean is.
3. I wonder how much water is in the sea.
4. I wonder how much types of plants and sponges live in the sea.
5. I wonder how many species of animals and plants live in the sea
1. How old is the sea?
2. How species of sponges live in the ocean
3. How many species of fish live in the ocean