October 27

How to play football

1. Today I wanted to do something productive so I decided to play football. It was the perfect morning to play some football so I did all the natural stuff like chores, eating breakfast and watching tv. I looked outside and saw it was sunny. I was glad and relieved that it was not raining outside since I was gonna go play football.


2. After lunch I watched a movie,I checked my watch and it was 3:30 PM so I asked my dad to pick me up and by the time we reached home it was 3:45 PM time to go to school so I messaged everyone and said school? They replied with “sure, ok ,alright, coming” I got all really,got my football boots ready and my football and went to school.


3. Now you’re probably wondering what’s football? So football is a fantastic sport that includes running,passing,dribbling,shooting and defending. You’re now thinking that THAT’S SO MUCH WORK, well it’s not that much actually. In total there are 11 players in a football team. There are also different kinds of formations,positions and you have a coach and manager and the way you win is you have to try to shoot the ball into the goal.


4. It also depends on what formation your coach makes for your team and each formation has different positions. The positions at the front are striker,left wing and right wing at the middle which is the hardest are mid,cm,cdm,left mid and right mids. They are the most useful since they have to right toward to help strikers and they have to run back to defend. Now we are in the back row, they are the ones who defend the other team’s striker and they are left back,right back and defender. Last but not least we have a goalie, the goalie can use his hands but there is a box radius drawn in white paint on the field.


5. Personally I play midfielder since midfielder is my favourite position. The rules in football are that they can’t touch the ball with their hand only the goalkeepers can. In football if you tackle the player it is a foul and you will receive a yellow card or if the referee sees that the tackle is not that deadly and it barely hits him he won’t give you a yellow card. But you will receive a warning. If you hit the ball while tackling and hit the player but hit the ball first it is no yellow card or warning. If you do REALLY DEADLY! It is a red card and you will be sent off the field for the whole match.


6. In football there can be subs which means there are some people on the bench that are waiting when someone gets tired and then their coach puts them on the field. Football can be very fun but dangerous at the same time. In my opinion I think the goalie is the easiest and the most dangerous since If your team is good and have the ball basically the whole time you just stand in goal the whole time. But sometimes you can die by swallowing your tongue as a goalie since when a player jumps up and is about to hit it in the goal,but the goalie jumps up and gets hit by his knee or something then there is a high chance of swallowing the tongue. 


7. There is one complicated thing in football there is something called offside. Offside is when someone is behind the last player of the other team. Because if I stand behind them someone could pass to me and easy goal. Also there is a 6 second rule for goalies if the goalie picks up the ball he has 6 seconds to kick it if he doesn’t well the other team gets a free kick and if the scores are tied there is golden goal which means whoever scores wins. Or there is extra time which means keep playing. What I like is penalties. A person goes near the goal and puts the ball on a white spot and takes a shot and there are 5 shots. So if my team scores 3 and the other scores 0 we automatically win but if it is tied like my team scored 5 and they scored 5 it’s a carry on then.