August 13

Tōtara Park/botanic gardens reflection.

Totara park: on Tuesday 30 July 2024 we went to tōtara park. If you don’t know what tōtara park is you are missing out on tons, let me explain. Tōtara park is one of the most beautiful places in NZ. When we got there we were split into classes so half of the hapori would go on one trail, and the other half would go the other way and eventually we would switch trails. This semester our focus was on kaitiakitanga which means protecting the environment. We also found so many species of plants,insects and more. I also found a fantail which kept hopping around, there was also some fungus and mushrooms!



Botanic gardens: 1 week after the trip to tōtara park we came to botanic gardens which was roughly around 20ish minutes. Once we got there we made groups instead of putting half in that side and half here. Instead we had groups which weren’t in home whanau, we also saw tons of cool plants that looked funny, and we also discovered so many stuff! We also saw some ducks and pūkekos! My group also went to Puhinui stream which is located in tōtara park,which was very far but I really loved both experiences and I would recommend going there in your free time!


Here are some photos of tōtara park/botanic gardens


Posted August 13, 2024 by jeevanjots_1004 in category Uncategorized

7 thoughts on “Tōtara Park/botanic gardens reflection.

  1. miyab_2008

    Very good, Jeevanjot! I loved all of the information you have put into your writing. Although, I would suggest you’d work on some of your sentence structures. And try explore different types of sentences. Keep up the good work!

  2. Almaan

    Amazing explaining jeevanjot! I love how you explained everything that we did on the trip and it very easy for me to understand.

  3. Manveer B

    Nice blog Jeevanjot. You just need to rethink your use of vocabulary. Like here when you say “we discovered so many stuff!” You should have used thing instead of stuff so it made more sense. Nice writing though, just work on your vocabulary.

  4. gurfatehs_1604

    Dear: Jeevanjot
    Amazing paragraph and I can tell if I don’t go I will miss so much from reading your report and was so relatable because we went on the trip. Could add a little bit more overall good blog.
    From: Gurfateh


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