November 6

Guardians of the world (persuasive writing)

Did you know our beloved Earth is in danger if you don’t know why? I will tell you. Our earth is in critical condition so this is why I am informing you that there is no planet b. Our earth is not doing well right now so this I why I need you to spread the word, there is tons of huge problems but 1 of the biggest problem is pollution and we can fix that.


Pollution is really fatal for the environment because it just makes it way to the ocean which is extremely dangerous for aquatic animals. Just look at the condition of our loved Puhinui stream? It was once a beautiful eco system having so much biodiversity until pollution took over. Now it’s a place for people to dump their rubbish. This is some people’s local ecosystem and maybe even yours?

So this is why I ask you to stop littering, because it has an immense impact on our earth. Now I have to ask you, would you want a planet filled with rubbish? I know I wouldn’t and i’m guessing you wouldn’t either. So let’s make a substantial effect on the planet! So we can save our glorious planet. So make an impact!


There are so many innumerable ways to fix it. We could use paper instead of plastic which is adequate for the environment and we could use social media to ask people to come on down to the Puhinui stream/water ways to help pick up rubbish. It would do a significant amount of help towards being 1 step closer to pollution-free earth. Also remember there is no planet b.




Posted November 6, 2024 by jeevanjots_1004 in category Uncategorized

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