
Last year the y5/6 and y7/8 band went to Bandquest the competition was held at Auckland girls grammar school we had to come at school on a Saturday at 4:00 and then we did a sound check about 4:30. Next we had dinner and we watched the bands and then the y5/6 band was on I was nervous because the people was watching and then I said let’s go and we sang it was fun watching the bands perform. The y7/8 band was on they did a mashup and then we watched the other bands perform and I even won a free shirt because I was dancing and the event ended about 9:00 but I left early because it was late. Kāhu wonders won the rockstyle awards overall the night was so fun and the crowd was amazing and my favourite band was Kāhu wonders.

6 thoughts on “Bandquest

  1. Great work Joel! We definitely had a blast. I like how you added some names of the schools that we competed there it sure was fun. maybe next time you create another blog make them into paragraphs and add more vocabulary and describing words. but otherwise its a good blog. Keep up the good work!
    – Japji – 🙂

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