The wonders of a cinquain poem

My cinquain poem


The vampire



Blood sucker.

Flying, poisoning, murdering

A poisoning murderous creature.


What is a Cinquain poem?

A Cinquain poem is a 5 line poem that does not rhyme. It can be about whatever you like. The first line is the title and has 1 word. The 2nd line has two words and it’s words that describe the topic. The 3rd line has three words in it. The three words in it is ing words that describe the topic. The 4th line has 4 words in it and it’s a tiny sentence that describes the topic. The 5th and last line has one word in it and that one word is something like the topic.

My acrostic poem

My acrostic poems

Luna (dog)


Undefeated in love

Never gonna leave

Always with me


Archie (dog)

Always energetic

Running around

Chasing birds

Has lost of energy

Insanely fast


What is an acrostic poem

An acrostic poem is a poem with certain letters of each line spelling out a word  phrase when read vertically. Each letter/line has a sentence or phrase going side ways. Sometimes when they’re placed somewhere else in the line, it forms some kind of secret code.









Week 1 Podcast

Team: Joseph and leo

The sigma Banananana Podcast

We interview people who loves eating bananas or other fruits.

But how would we help the fruits grow faster?

We can stop wasting water and stop using oil. If we all stop wasting our supplies it would take around 3-5 years to make our world healthy again. After 3-5 years the plants would be 5-10x faster than before. (To grow)

Researcher: Leo

Hard worker that works 24/7: Joseph

Helper: Leo

Boss: Joseph

Manager: Leo


Term 1 – Information Report Writing – The Solar System

The Solar System

 What is the Milky Way?

A Milky Way is the universe we live in. It is made of billions of stars, gas and dust. Our galaxy holds over 200 billion stars in the universe (galaxy). The Milky Way’s type is barred spiral.

What is a star?

Stars are giant balls of hot gas, mostly hydrogen. Even though they’re far away we can still see them because they are really big. The sun is an average sized star. A nuclear fusion cause’s the star to shine.

About Earth

Earth has for layers the crust, the mantle, the outer core and the inner core. Earth is the only planet that has life. Earth is the only planet with trees.


In our solar system there is a planet called Uranus. You can’t stand on Uranus, because the planet is mostly swirling fluids. In this information report you will learn about the Milky Way, stars and earth.