WEEK 3: Limerick poetry

A limerick poem always has five lines. In a limerick poem, the first, second and fifth line have to rhyme with each other (rhyming examples, bright, night, light). Line three and four should rhyme with each other but should not rhyme with line one, two and five (knit, sit). The arrangement of a limerick poem should be AABBA. A limerick poem line does not have to be a full sentence but instead could be an independent clause or a dependent clause. The rhythm is a very bouncy and fun and the poem it self can be silly. Here is an example of a limerick poem,

There once was a man named Vladimir Putin,                                                                                          Who had a huge, unforgettable sin,                                                                                                                   He liked to loot Kim Jong un                                                                                                                                            Who worked as a former church nun,                                                                                                               But Kim Jong un ended up being Putins secret twin.

WEEK 2: Acrostic poetry

Acrostic poem have been around longer than you would imagine. They have been around for centuries. Ancient Greece was where the first examples of acrostics came from. There are many types of Acrostic poems such as Telestich, Mesostic, Abecedarian, or Double Acrostic. Acrostic poetry have at least one of these features. Vertical word or phrase, thematic connection, creative language. Rhyming is optional but if you do rhyme it would give rhythm and effect. Arranging your acrostic poem in shape is also optional.

Here is an of a rhyming and non rhyming acrostic poem that I have created about fireworks

Non rhyming:

Flashing colour illuminate the sky                                                                                                                       Igniting the fireworks                                                                                                                                   Rainbow colours bursting in the sky                                                                                                     Excitement flowing through the crowd                                                                                             Wishing as fireworks explode one by one                                                                                                           Observant children recalling memorises                                                                                 Raucous noises heard from miles away                                                                                             Kaleidoscopic looks fill the night sky                                                                                                   Soaring through the night


Flashing lights across the night
Illuminating pure delight
Raucous cheers as colours bloom
Echoing through the crowd’s loud boom
Wonder fills both young and old
Overhead, the magic unfolds
Rays of red, green, blue, and gold
Kaleidoscopic tales retold
Soaring high, the fireworks shine, bursting bright with every line


WEEK 1: Cinquain

There are two ways to write a Cinquain poem. The first way is by using syllables. This format of writing a Cinquain poem is important to add the correct amount of syllables. The line 1 must have two syllables and is the title, line 2 must have four syllables and the description, line 3 must have six syllables and is the action line four must have eight syllables and line 5 must have two syllables. Here is an example of a Cinquain poem on the topic Nature:

Nature,                                                                                                                                                                   Wild, enchanting,                                                                                                                                             Blooming, thriving, appealing,                                                                                                                                        Observing the beautiful flowers,                                                                                                           Forest