The dinosaurs are meatier than the meteor,
And that’s what they saw.
The rocks tremble in fear.
The Dinos look like they will shed a tear.
The meaty meteors have millions of grudges,
It will never budge.
It never changes its mind.
It’s very unkind.
Unfortunately, all of the brontosaurus will die.
While they have a heart of gold,
They are very bold.
They have a great personality, and then CRASH! ,
The meteor went CRASH!
There was a big FLASH!
There was nothing alive.
The water creature tried to dive but unfortunately died.
All of the land creatures tried to run, but they reached their demise.
The rushing rivers and the whistling wind,
The dinosaurs were when silent.
rushed for the coast
And all of the Dino acted like ghosts.
Joshua Crompton
I like that the poem makes sense and rhymes well but it doesn’t feel like it has a kind of rhythm
Hi Josh, I really like the descriptiveness of your poem, however I think there are a few grammar mistakes. Your poem was very interesting.
From Thomas
Your poem is very nice, Joshua. C. I like your prompt for it. Although, please work on the flow of your writing, your rhyming pattern, and also on some of your rhyming words.
Great job Joshua, this is a nice and well written poem! I liked the way you used your onomatopoeia, next time you could work on rhyming your words and having a bigger word bank.
Wow nice 👍 and good