For our semester theme (two terms) we learnt about “Our Night Sky.” First we thought of ideas for our night sky then we had to make a Canva on what we want to learn about Our Night Sky. We also had to do a Google Form to finally tally our result. Then we waited for a short while for the results and the one that got the most votes was “Mars”. After that we learnt a bit about Mars and “Mars Rovers” which was fun, we got to do a game about Mars Rover which involved picking up rocks and gaining the most points. The difficult part was we had a limited amount of moves (which was 20). My team lost though but that didn’t matter. Then we started to read a 170 page fictional book about Mars but only read a bit each time before doing more stuff. We used a hillshade blend on a map to name some thin on mars like, “Olympus Mons” which is the biggest volcano on mars and in the entire solar system. We then had to make a poster about one thing about Mars and if we can change it (basically we learn’t about if we could terraform Mars). Here is a poster of what I made for it below ⬇️ (we were supposed to research one part like atmosphere but I did 3).