Our world is done and is very good and we have around 4 rooms including the receptionist, pest sanctuary, fact room and life cycle. We have worked super hard on itand the easy/fun parts was the pests sanctuary looking for animals and facts and the bad/most unfun parts were deciding if we wanted to make a frog life cycle we tried it but the water leaked and we had to put our carpet back.
Category: Uncategorized
so far we have only built the 1st box and the free land water for my the best part was putting the water and making it look like a ocean.
The part i disliked the most was building the main thing cause we had to delete it a tom to finnaly make a perfect one.
My plan and our final plan.
My minecraft plan
Cinquain Poem
scary windy
relaxing in the wild
Steam Week 9
I have to write about what I will do different from next time I plant a seed I will put more dirt on my plant and thats kind of it cause my plant is super healthy and nice all of my plants are super tall and I think I did nothing wrong.
Steam Week 6/7
- These are plants that are good for us for clothes health and all the other things.
- Bananas[bananas improve your digestion and heart health ]
- Bamboo[bamboos give 35% of the oxygen and carbon dioxide in the air ]
- Cacao[cacao is good because it has stress relief and a healthy gut]
- Cotton[cotton is good because you make clothes and a ton of other things with it]
- Oil palm[it is good for cooking and mixing with other oils easily]
- Olive[good for the heart and protect against cancer]
- Rice[rice has carbohydrates in it]
Steam Week 8
Plants are important to us they give us all the food we have and air if we don’t have plants we will all die.Plants are super cool and interesting there are so many plants and they all are so diffrent and honestly i love growing them. Please check my diagram.
Yesterday we did a experiment / we got a glass and had to put half a cup of water and then we could choose what colour food colouring we put red or blue we chose blue.We had too name our group and we chose KING BOB!!! Then we got a piece of celery and and had to put it in the water and we left it over night.Today we checked and it was blue and looked super cool.After it started to die and was super blue.
Week 4 Steam
We have planted a seed and are observing what happens as it grows please see my slides to check out my plants life cycle.
My seed has grown a lot for a tomato and is growing super fast it is super cool and i would love to see it fully grown.