It was the 20th of March and everyone piled into the bus, we were off to Polyfest! As soon as we arrived I was already hungry the teachers let us sit on the grass so I decided to eat something. As I looked around I saw hundreds of people some dressed up in amazing clothes from their different cultures and I could hear the booming microphones from what looked like stages! I was super excited I had never gone to a festival like this before. I packed up my food and just in time because the teachers called us to stand up, they lead us to the entrance gates! We all walked inside in a single file, a slight murmur of excitement.
We all sat down for an introduction on what the day would look like. We then were told we were half an hour ahead of the schedule so we decided to do a tour walking around the Arena. Passing all the stalls I realised that I was still hungry and the smell of sweet kebabs creeped up my nose! But sadly no buying food. We all walked back to the stage and just on time to, because a guest speaker started walking up to the stage!
He was from the bowel screening foundation, he told us how bowel cancer is really bad for you and how bowel screening can save your life. He also said that the age that you can get it is between 64-70 and to tell our grandparents about it. We had a quiz he asked “ who can tell me when you can get bowel cancer?” My hand shot up and many others did to. I think he got a bit overwhelmed as he then said first one up the stage to the mic can answer, luck me as I was sitting at the front I shot up and answered! Hi then handed me a big prize bag one of the prizes was a $20 pack’ N save voucher ! A few other guest speakers spoke too and then we were off to the diversity stage!
We stood up in unison and single filed our way to the next stage, the diversity stage! When we all sat down the show had already started it was Chinese fan dancing. They wore beautiful dresses in pastel pinks, green’s and yellows, it must of taken them weeks of practice because they danced so well and so gracefully! Next up were the Indian dance group, They arrived on stage wearing amazing bright colors of reds and oranges and yellow. The dance was fantastic as they all danced in beat not missing a step! After a few more performances we stood up full of excitement and energy ready for the next stage!
We were walking down the path when suddenly we stopped it was like a traffic jam but with children instead of cars. We waited, confused, at last a teacher arrived and we walked through a big archway and made our way through to the Māori stage! Walking up the stairs we heard the strong voices of the people preforming the Haka. When the first dance was finished the boys started and then the girls, they were all so amazing! But sadly like any other trip this one had to end.
Walking back the same path we arrived on we made our way to the awaiting buses and once again we piled into them. Poly fest was such an amazing experience for all of those who went and I can’t wait for next years festival!