August 25

Cross country persuade

Why should you go watch?

You should watch cross country to support the runners and it is thrilling to watch. As you see them running through the track as you wait standing, from your seat itching to know who will come first! Praising your representatives whether they came first by a mile or stone last. Sportsmanship is displayed and you can see the joy in the faces of the runners as they participate. You may not like running but watching, watching is fun!

August 12

Our local Taiao

This semester our theme was Kaitiakitanga, caring for the environment and being guardians. Miss Rowland thought that it would be cool to go to our local park, Totara Park! At Totara park we explored the Puhinui stream track as our main focus is our waterways and how we care for them. We brought our iPads to use seek, an app that uses Al to look at the image your camera is pointing at and then comparing it to the images of plants/animals that it knows to tell you the species.

Our next trip was to the Botanic Loadina…

As soon as we arrived I immediately noticed that it was less muddy and had a lot more plants and flowers as Totara Park was mainly forest and little flowers. At the Botanical Gardens we had two fun activities planned for the day ahead! We split into smaller groups with about ten to each. Our group did the scavenger hunt first, we had to find a species for each letter e.g yellow flowers for y. We found one for each letter of the alphabet. Next we did the storm water track.

We walked around and looked for each water feature.

In conclusion I think that this was a very good and successful trip, we all had fun and a whole lot of new names for simple things like yellow flowers! Here are some of the pictures I took:

August 1

How to become an Olympian.

Dear readers you are here because you wanted to become an Olympian (or maybe you are just bored). From my experience of knowing how to become an Olympian (none) it is very easy! To become one you need to follow these 5 easy steps:

1-  Become very athletic and commit to a sport for the rest of  active life.

2- Magic up some money to join a team and also to have it to travel the world. ( Try your brothers ear or your mothers purse.)

3- Get recognized by your countries Olympic team. ( Make adverts about yourself.)

4- Join the team.( Try bribery chocolate works best.)

5- Become famous!

By following these very easy and totally possible steps you have now accomplished your goal! Enjoy being an Olympian.( P.S 4 year Guarantee.)