March 27

Sweet song

By Kaitlyn.M.Botha

My dress is the colour of a white

The sweet breeze filled with love.

Music fills the air as little birds sing along,

Oh their sweet little song.

As dawn arrives the sky brighter than the sun,

Today is looking as if it just might be fun

Tweet, Tweet,” the birds fly by

Higher and higher into the sky!

My dress flies in the wind like a dove,

The sweet air filled with love.

Music flows with the breeze and little birds sing 

 their song,

His guitar sounds so great harmonising with their song.

His eyes twinkle brighter than the stars,

The sun, the sun, is the colour of mars.

The trees dance with his song,

He compliments me,”My hair is so beautifully long”. 

His song so sweet as he sings,

Live life love life and your song!

Love life, live life… your song!”

The birds sing along flapping to his song

My dress is the colour of a white dove,

The sweet breeze filled with love.

Music fills the air as little birds sing along,

Oh their sweet little song.

Oh their sweet little song

March 11

The night sky

The stars gleam like diamonds,

Constellations shaped like islands.

The Moon is a silver pool,

Shooting stars like a drop of drool.

And the night sky covers us like a blanket.

The first landing on the moon 16 Jul 1969,

We’re air is limited and gravity stops this mission end is 24 Jul 1969

February 26

                               ~Digital art~

Last week we did digital art, we created an abstract art piece called Flox. I wanted mine to look abstract and neat at the same time which would be hard because it is Flox art. We had to layer our images play with the size and angle add a background colour and pattern. We then added a bird I choose a moorpork. I made three different versions and choose which one I liked best.

This is my first version:

This is my second version, I added a few different layers.
And this is my final product

February 21

                        The mysterious creature

                                    ~ By Kaitlyn Botha ~ 

The stars gleamed like diamonds,

The twigs pricked like thorns.

Our clothes flowed like curtains in the breeze,

and branches were like claws.

The roses withered grey as coal,

Our lanterns dim, our faces cold.

Shadows loomed black as night creating silhouettes giving us a fright.

Vines are creeping like someone sneaking.

The water was as still as night.

Goblins crawling lanterns flickering,

something’s eying us I’m feeling jittery.


February 7

My first few days in Kāhu 2024

These first few days in the Kāhu Hapori have been exciting and different. We have been doing a lot of new and fun work, such as applying for new jobs. I applied to become a bell monitor, a librarian and part of the linguists. We have also been working on our lanterns that we are going to display at the Chinese new year’s festival on the 15th of February, which is also the night of our first camp meeting. This year we get to do Tech , I have chosen Baking as my first option, Enviro as my second and Cooking as my third. Wonder which one I’ll be doing this term, we should find out soon. I am looking forward to doing Tech and learning new skills in my first term of being an intermediate. Overall I think that being a Kāhu student is great!