TGS Science Fair

On Thursday 24th November the science fair for tgs was set up.  There were lots of different experiments e.g Kiwis skittles in water experiment, Pukekos edible science (cookies, ice cream, hokey pokey, & butter), Kahu’s  volcanic eruption experiment.


When the Piwakawakas went down to see the science fair these two  children named Almaan and Shabd overflowed one of the kiwis’ experiments, silly right?  It was a bit sad because Sahib was the one who ended up cleaning the stuff on the floor when Shabd and Almaan should’ve been the ones too clean.  That was the only incident besides someone ripping a part of the map that the Kahu’s volcanoes were on but other than that there were no other incidents.


There were a lot of cool designs and experiments but the one caught my eye was the volcanoes because the Kahu children put these little flags on top which show information about the volcanoes they made, for example one of the volcanoes they made were Mount Taranaki which is a stratovolcano, one other piece of information was when it last eruption was which was in 1854.  Another volcano on the map is Hurupaki Mountain which is extinct, its last eruption was about 2-4 million years ago due to it being extinct.  Hurupaki mountain is a scoria cone which is the most common type of volcano.  A scoria cone is also the smallest type of volcano.


One of the other things at the science fair was a silent auction.  A silent auction is basically an ordinary auction except you write your name down on a piece of paper instead of shouting how much you’d pay for something.  The silent auction was for houses. 


[this blog is a bit late because I forgot to post it]

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