What is Kaitiakitanga?
Kaitiakitanga is the guardianship of the land. We have been learning how to be Kaitiaki and we have been learning about Kaitiakitanga. Kaitiakitanga is also the protector of the land. We have to care for the environment and the world. One more way to keep Kaitiakitanga alive is by saving the animals that live on the planet so they can make populations grow larger and larger.
Why is Kaitiakitanga important?
Kaitiakitanga is important because if we kill animals and throw rubbish into the environment, populations will decrease. We also won’t have enough resources, “Why?” Because if we throw rubbish everywhere, our rubbish won’t be recycled!
Why is kaitiakitanga important?
Kaitiakitanga is important because if we kill the animals populations of animals will decrease. Also if we don’t throw our rubbish in the bin, our rubbish won’t be recycled. If the rubbish is not recycled we will have less resources to use!
What Did Me and My Group Create?
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