Lockdown motion

Have you ever been in lockdown? Well I have, it’s terrible I don’t get to go to school and I have limited food so that means I don’t get to eat chips! I know it’s good to be healthy but I really like chips and the fact that we have limited food. I had to eat just breakfast, lunch and dinner. Also last year when we were in lockdown and all of the toilet paper was gone. When I was at my cousin’s house like 1 year later she had so many stacks of toilet paper and I was laughing a lot. It’s really interesting how the toilet paper out of everything would be the one who would run out. I was also worried and it really disappointed me that we were going into lockdown once again. I didn’t like the feeling before so it was really disappointing.


My Thoughts


I personally think that we shouldn’t have a lockdown, but it’s for the best because if we don’t have a lockdown the virus would spread. And more people would get sick so I guess I understood. I was annoyed, worried and elated.I was annoyed, because at first I thought we would have limited food and usually I had unlimited , but when it was lockdown it all changed…I was worried, because what If something would happen and we could never go outdoors ever again not even in our garden! I was always so cautious if someone sneezed so I basically decided that I was now worried. I was elated, because I didn’t have to wake up early and go to school and change I could just wake up at 9:20 and call with my teacher, and I kinda thought I could skip some activities. But I now know not to do that and I should do every activity my teacher gives me.


How others felt about this situation 


I interviewed my dad:


How do you feel, why?

Worried and anxious, because the length of the lockdown is uncertain.

What was the most annoying part about lockdown and why?

Have to find enough activities each day, so I won’t get bored watching television.

Is it weird doing other things other than your job and why?

I am not really feeling weird, because it gives me more time to spend more time with my family and kids.

What did you think would happen when you heard about level 4?

I thought that this wouldn’t be to bad as they said it would be, and hopefully it would be a really quick lockdown

I feel like my dad and I had pretty similar answers, and I have to agree that it was very worrying. I mean many things could happen like the last time in lockdown. I also agree that I had to find things to do after doing all my work. It was difficult but I ended up reading a book or writing or drawing something that would entertain me for a while. How would you have felt if you were in lockdown like me? I mean I would feel really scared and anxious so if you feel like that if you ever have a type of lockdown then you’re not alone. I hope people appreciate it if they have food because now it’s just expensive in the markets so if someone does not appreciate the food then just leave them be, and maybe they will just have to eat it because they will get hungry. I guess you made it to the well congrats for looking in my journal, I think there will be some embarrassing things in here that I will write later on… Maybe!


My Super Hero Power!



Personally I think that superheroes don’t need powers. For example maybe your a superhero for kindness, even though it sounds weird and that you are thinking that how is kindness a power. Well you always see marvel and stuff but you never see behind the scenes. It’s basically fake but if you believe that you have a power you will probably have a power, because just because you can’t fly doesn’t mean that you aren’t a superhero. You see I have always believed that everyone is a superhero including you enemies. Everyone has their reasons on how they act but I think that you should still think that everyone is a superhero no matter what you have gone through with that person. Well if your asking what my superpower is it’s actually being kind, I do things automatically and funny and a really good friend. So if you think that your not a superhero well think twice you could have many superpowers it could be kindness like me or strength I mean who knows.

What my superhero power is:

I feel like people don’t understand there superpower do I’m going to explain it to you. So if you take people before yourself that’s a really kind thing to do. And if you see someone sad and you cheer them up that’d plus a friend and a superpower of kindness. There are many powers, and kindness is just one of them. I have a lot of superpowers that I can’t just explain but I can say that you should always be thankful that you have a superpower. I love my superhero powers and we should be all thankful. If you need help finding your superhero power just think on what you do what your good at. Everyone has a superpower and you need to find out.

How I feel:

I feel very warm when hearing the words from other people it’s so kind and caring that people say kind things about me. I loved doing this for other people I made sure to think very hard and it turned out amazing I am happy that i got to help people do there blog. I like my superpowers and they are amazing. I am so happy that people gave me my own unique superpowers it like having something really special so you have superpowers gifted to you, it feels amazing. When I read the comments on my blog I saw that many people had things to say and it was special to me.


I think at the end of the day everyone has their own unique powers. I before thought that you need to be able to fly or do something special to be a superhero. But when I found out that you had your own superhero it made me so elated. I felt that everyone had to know that they had their own superpower and I think that lots of people learnt that they have their own superhero power. At the end of the day I think that everyone has their own superhero powers.