A recipe for failure


  • An eruption of disappointment from your parents
  • A sprinkle of being annoying to your friends
  • A hint of being really dumb
  • A shower of being stinky
  • A tornado of clumsiness 
  • A hurricane of idiocy
  • Rainbow showers of bad choices


Step 1: First pour in the shower of stickiness into a bowl

Step 2: In a separate bowl pour in half of the bad choices 

Step 3: In the first bowl pour in the hurricane of idiocy

Step 4: In the second bowl pour in the eruption of disappointment from your parents

Step 5: Slowly whisk the first bowl than add the second bowl and than start adding the other half of bad choices

Step 6: After add the tornado of clumsiness 

Step 7: Add a hint of being really dumb

Step 8: Add a sprinkle of being annoying to your friends

Step 9: Whisk it all together and put it in the fridge and eat it to be a failure.


Ghana’s Flag

The Commonwealth Games is a unique, multi-sport event that is held once every four years and is often referred to as the “Friendly Games”. Commonwealth games are held in different countries but Edinburgh was the first city to host the games twice (1970 & 1986 therefore was the first city to to host the games twice).

On 6 March 1957 Ghana became independent meaning that Ghana could participate in the commonwealth games that started in 1930. Ghana’s official name is Republic of Ghana, but people prefer to say just Ghana. The people that live in Ghana are called Ghanaians. The Ghanaian people are a nation originating in the Ghanaian Gold Coast. Ghana have won fifty-seven medals at the Commonwealth Games, including fifteen gold, but have never won the Commonwealths games. Ghana has competed in 16 commonwealth games.

Children in Ghana begin two years of kindergarten at the age of four. Then all children ages 6-12 attend six years of elementary education. If families can afford it, children go on to secondary education. Ghana’s school system is more advanced than many of its African neighbors. There are over 50 different groups in Ghana, each with their own customs and languages, but the country is harmonious and peaceful. The Akan tribe is the largest group and makes up about 45 percent of the population. They live mostly in villages and grow their food on farms. The traditional cloth of the Ghanaian people is the bright and colorful kente cloth.

There are six national parks and many smaller nature reserves, which were set up to help protect Ghana’s wildlife. There are over 650 butterfly species in the Kakum National Park, including the giant swallowtails, which are nearly 8 inches (20 centimeters) across. The park is also home to leopards, hornbills, Diana monkeys, flying squirrels, and scarlet-tailed African gray parrots. Elephants, leopards, wild buffalo, and antelope were once plentiful across the savanna, but now are found mostly in nature reserves. Crocodiles, warthogs, and hippos can be seen around the watering holes in the Mole National Park. Poisonous snakes such as the cobra and puff adder are native to Ghana as are pythons, which don’t bite, but can squeeze their victims to death.

Overall I think Ghana is a cool country and I hope I can visit it one day. On the other hand, the commonwealth games are pretty interesting. There are many sports to see and a lot of people with skill.

Tessellation art/ Geometry art

On Wednesday we started to do tessellation art/geometry art. The art was really hard. We had to make it even and had to put it in the right spot and blah blah blah. The only fun part was that I got to watercolour but it seemed that everything wanted me to take forever on each thing. What I mean is that I spent 2 whole days at school watercolouring and I still somehow finished it. We did art related to maths because it was maths week, so we had to do art relating to maths.

Step 1.. Draw, Cut, Tape. The first step was to cut out a perfect 5cm square. I got lazy so I just used square shapes. Then I drew a curved line in the corner and then I cut it out. I did the same thing to the other corner. I really quickly tried doing this but I kept messing up. At one point I was so annoyed I almost gave up, but then I realised that my friend was almost down tracing! Which is the next step. I quickly asked her if I could use her template because my templates were so ugly! The video I watched didn’t really help much either. She went really fast and I don’t know if it’s me but it was hard to draw curve lines.

Step 2.. Trace!  Once my friend was done she handed me the template and I felt that my life was once great again (not trying to be dramatic). I then quickly tried to trace around the fish, but that didn’t end well. All of the fishes I traced had lumps like there was a straight line and then there was a lump. My friend saw that I had gone through 5 papers and she told me to use an eraser, but it was too late so yeah… She saw I was struggling and she said that I had to be slow and steady. I tried it and for once in my life I made a perfect fish. I kept going really slow but by the time I got to my 5th fish I had to go swimming. That’s for another time.

Step 3: Waterproof marker and watercolours! When we got back from swimming I quickly went back to my seat and finished tracing my last fishes. I then borrowed one of my friends’ sharpies and then I quickly traced, and fortunately I didn’t make any mistakes. After that I got to colour with watercolours. I could really finish it so the next day I had to come in and finish it. I think the result was amazing!

I luckily finished my art work just before the end of the week. I kinda rushed it, but overall it was pretty nice. It was a bit of a messy week but it somehow worked. I guess we were flexible this week.


This is what I missed out on!

This week was the TGS swimming program for the piwakawaka, but the thing was I didn’t really want to do swimming because I already did swimming that week. I was a bit excited because usually I didn’t know anyone there but this time I could go swimming with my friends, but the thing was I had swimming the day before the piwakawaka school swimming trip. 

I didn’t go swimming because swimming at school was on Wednesday but I had swimming on Tuesday. When I came home on Tuesday I realized that my swimming togs were wet and there were already clothes in the dryer, so the only logical thing I could do was to just say I either forgot my swimming togs or something else. I ended up just hoping that it would dry overnight but it didn’t so I just decided I couldn’t go swimming with my friends or so I thought. Because later on Wednesday when they came back they told the people that didn’t go swimming that they were separated in groups so you may have not been with a friend.

Well I think I’m not going swimming on Tuesday next week so let’s hope next Wednesday I can go swimming and see who the driver is and how nice they might be or not. I hope I can go next time!

The Week in Review

This week was basically the worst it had Cross Country on Wednesday, and if you know me I absolutely hate Cross Country! Like everything about Cross Country makes me anxious and also worried that I will get last place. The only thing that is worse than last place is getting last place 2x in a row. No, it’s not the worst thing, the worst thing is getting last place 3x in a row! I hope that I could at least get to the top 10 one day. (I’m not a very athletic person)


Mondays… they are usually boring and it’s 1+ days till TGS Cross Country. The first subject is usually maths so good luck to me because maths isn’t the easiest subject. Today we learnt how to use a compass, not the one you use to navigate but the ones that somehow make perfect circles. Me and my friend, Ha Lan were in the same workshop so we had the same workshop follow up. Our follow up was supposed to be drawing equivalent triangles with composes but me and Ha Lan couldn’t even draw a perfect circle. On the way through drawing the circles we used at least 20 scrap paper. When Miss Griffin (Our maths teacher) came up to us she started laughing at how many times we attempted to draw circles and said “Have you guys heard of an eraser” and me and Ha Lan turned red. We were so embarrassed.


Reading… We just got new reading groups/S.T.E.A.M honestly I don’t mind. Reading was just like normal although I think that the vocabulary that we learnt was slightly hard. I then spent the whole entire block doing the workshop follow up so sadly I skipped my SSR/RRJ. I hope my teachers don’t find out! Actually I don’t know if they might or they might not. Our teacher was a bit late for our workshop so we ended a bit later than usual. Well there are 3 sections in our block so the first block I had my workshop for 30 minutes, then I had to do my workshop follow up. In the beginning of this paragraph I said I skipped my SSR/RRJ. It’s because I know that our workshop follow up shouldn’t take a whole hour but it just depends if it takes really long. I don’t know anymore because sometimes I just somehow finish my workshop follow up and then I am able to do my SSR/RRJ. It’s a bit confusing nowadays.


S.T.E.A.M. I have a pretty interesting topic. My S.T.E.A.M name is called “Burn Baby Burn”. I’m in the group with my friend, me and her were super excited to burn stuff assuming from the title. On the first day of our new workshops for S.T.E.A.M we learnt some new vocabulary and learnt the meanings. The second day we actually burnt candles and inspected them. I was very surprised because I didn’t really inspect candles regularly so it was all pretty cool. We then had to fill in some slides and answer the questions. S.T.E.A.M is pretty decent but the vocabulary is really hard to remember. Like it’s not commonly used words (I mean if you’re a scientist I mean obviously you use those complex words) I mean who uses viscosity like it’s not a normal day used word. I can go on and on with words that I don’t understand much but I am just lazy.


Cross Country… the dreaded day. I was so anxious. Ha Lan and I were planning to jog or walk the race but guess what? I sprinted at the start, so automatically I had a stitch when we were out of sight and everyone was walking. I told my friend that and she said that she didn’t have a stitch and that she sort of jogged the start. Definitely next time at the start I am NOT sprinting. I’m not even fast so I don’t know why I literally sprinted. The thing is I do know why I sprinted. I was just a bit worried I would be last and my house would be disappointed so I guess I just tried to be as fast as I could. Of course I wasn’t even in front, I was in the middle so I just barely made it before some people. As soon as we were out of sight everyone was just walking because I think they might have just ran the whole thing. Later in the race my stitch got even worse so that was lovely but I finished the race walking. I somehow beat my friend because I sprinted at the end.


Art! It’s basically better than any running. This term we got to do watercolours. They were so fun but I may or may not have started again maybe like 2 times. For our watercolours art we had to learn techniques. We put them in 4 sections, one of them was “Waterproof Marker” and then some other ones. For the first section we had to do an outline of our drawing then start using the watercolours to start colouring. I kept trying to use small strokes for my balloons but it just seemed like I was really bad at colouring in with watercolours. I think watercolours have something against me because I restarted and then kept restarting until the point where I just stopped and then it was pack up time. I can not believe that I actually spent the whole entire hour or so doing nothing. It really isn’t the greatest achievement. I mean is it even an achievement?


Well the whole week has been really messy and my legs still hurt from running but overall I think it was a really crazy and fun week. We had Cross Country and we had some fun art. Come to think of it, we didn’t have much reading, and to be honest I haven’t been doing my goosechase I’m so ashamed of myself for letting myself get so caught up in my workshop follow up.