
Have you ever heard of a hāngī? It’s a traditional New Zealand Māori method of cooking food using heated rocks buried in a pit oven, called an umu. However we haven’t talked about why it’s important to the Māori culture. Māori were aware that the earth was the giver of all life, from the soil came food and that same food was cooked beneath the earth. That is why the traditional way of cooking for Māori was in a pit under the ground in an oven called a hangi.

Step 1: First you need common vegetables and some common meat. After that, start digging a pit. A hāngī pit is dug to a depth of between 50-100 cm, to hold the rocks and two stacked baskets of food. It shouldn’t take too long to dig, but if you have more people, it will be faster and the hole will be dug so fast! Step 2: After getting stones, iron and wood and light. Start stacking the stone, iron, wood and light. Do the stone first then the iron, wood, and then once you have stacked the others only then stack the light.

Step 3: After stacking and digging, heat the hāngī stones for a minimum of three hours until white hot (Do it until iron is red hot) – this is to ensure they are hot enough to thoroughly cook the food. Step 4: While waiting for a few hours, you start preparing the vegetables and meat. It might take a bit longer than other people if you were going to cook a feast. After that wrap and keep it away from the wrap. After that you can wait for it to heat up or you can just tell someone else to wait for it to heat up! If that person gets bored you both can just do it and entertain each other. 

Step 5: After it is heated up you then start to fill the pit in with the stone and iron etc. Step 6: You get the food you prepared before and then you put the hāngī/Kai in the pit with all the hot stuff. After that, cover it in wet clothes and sacks. Step 7: After that put earth/the dirt you dug up on the top so no steam can get out. It might take a while for one person but more people will make it easier for you to put earth on the top.

Step 8: Wait a few hours. While you’re waiting you can use the time to get to know your Whanau. Step 9: Get your Whanau to help you dig up the pit, then get it, serve it and enjoy it. If you like it make sure that you remember how to make it because it is hard to find on the internet!


Personally I have never tried hāngī, but I hope I can try it in the future. Hāngī is a traditional food that includes so many steps, but in the end I think that all the hard work and effort was worth it because it must taste good because it’s made by earth and mostly heated with wood, iron etc.

Three luxurious I would bring to Mars

Have you ever been to space? Well actually Mars but still. If you were to bring 3 luxurious items to Mars what would you bring? It can’t be necessities like oxygen or stuff you need in your daily life. There’s no budget, you can just buy whatever you would want to bring to space that’s luxurious and you don’t even need to spend a penny.

The first item I would bring is my most prized person, my husband Chelsea. It’s not Chelsea from Barbie, it’s Chelsea Russell. I need her because she’s my husband. She’s the most important person in my 3 things. I need her because first, entertainment second she’s so good at starfishing. Third, I need to have company. Also, we are married, you can’t go wrong with bringing someone you’re married to. If you judge me or her we will stab you even in Mars. Fourth, I need her to help me set up the next thing.

The second thing I’m gonna bring is a princess bouncy castle. As I told you before I needed my husband to blow air in the princess bouncy castle and if she doesn’t I’m gonna need to capture air from a jar which isn’t a very good idea. I found out that I need some machine that puts oxygen in the princess bouncy castle. First I need the princess bouncy castle because I’m a queen, second I need to have some entertainment other than my husband. I also think that I need to get some exercise even on Mars, another reason is that I need the bouncy castle because I don’t get tired often so I want to tire myself and basically sleep through the long journey.

The third item I would bring is a balloon animal, because you have to have some sanity while taking a journey to Mars. I mean it might take years. Second thought I just figured out that it will take 7 months. I mean I could turn into an elder at that point. Balloon animals are also fun because you can just jump in the princess bouncy castle while holding it and try to make challenges and stuff. Just so you don’t lose a lot of sanity or does it make you lose way more sanity? Who knows? I just want to have fun, but if I brought a book to Mars I would basically die from being bored. I might be dramatic but MANY PEOPLE DIE A YEAR AND WHO KNOWS HOW THEY DIED!

I may have brought all my things for entertainment but still at least I’m not gonna be bored for a lot of time I mean, if I’m bored of my husband I can move on to the princess bouncy castle and once I get bored of the princess bouncy castle I can go to the balloon animal, then restart and keep doing it.


My husband