Buddy Maths

The heart I made for my buddy!

Last week the teachers introduced this new subject of buddy maths. At first I didn’t really know what they meant but as I listened more I realised it was where we went down to the year 1s and do stuff with them like fun activities etc. The teachers then said that even though valentines had already passed we could still make something related to valentines for them. At that moment I was thinking of doing something unique or something special that would make my buddy feel special, but then I got interrupted in my thoughts with the teachers saying what we were actually suppose to do. We were just meant to write a message and then fold it into a origami heart. I thought it was simple but I was so wrong…

After knowing what to do we were given papers to fold and we had a selection and then I made the most regretful decision I picked the most effort paper. As soon as I started colouring I realised that I wasn’t able to get done so later that day I brought it with me home and finished it until my hands ached with pain. When it was the next day I gave it to my buddy but I honestly think she didn’t really care about it but she told me that she liked it so I guess it was okay?

The first thing I did with my buddy was play in the sandpit. I didn’t feel like taking my shoes off so I just watched her play in the sandpit. After awhile she got bored of the sandpit so we decided to go inside and play with the fake kitchen. Sadly none of the food was logically like they were baking apples and fruits and they were microwaving things that weren’t meant to be in the microwave in the first place. Well soon she got bored of that too so we decided to play with a baby and dress the baby up. I was surprised that the baby was so hard to dress but we somehow got the baby in it’s outfit! Then we just played with the chalk on a chalk board. I just wanted to see what she would do but I somehow got dragged in (what I mean by that is me just being a child and wanting to draw stick figures) I had a bit of fun but then I think I broke the seat (although I’m not sure it was the seat but still) I don’t know how but the lid of the seat or box kinda just sank to the bottom and them including me I got stuck at the bottom of the box but luckily I was able to get out. THANKFULLY!

When I was around my buddy I felt that she was quite chaotic because when we were in the sandpit she would be crawling around while other kids were making innocent kids were making sand castles but I guess that was what made her stand out, but I never picked up any negativity from her she was honestly just nice, funny and still chaotic just the tiniest bit. When I was with her I was honestly just quite comfortable with her because she just seemed to be interesting and fun to be around. I honestly felt like a great role model telling her not to make too loud noises but I didn’t really wanna flatter myself. To me a great big buddy is a person who is a role model to younger kids doing great things picking up rubbish not making a huge mess nor a huge argument, just someone who would make a child want to be them.

I think overall that the little valentines idea was a great idea! We got to know some children and play with them a bit, but I think that it would be cool if we did like buddy reading, maybe creating imaginary stores together so we can share our ideas and make it into one amazing imaginary story that we could share with the class!