A day in a life as a Kāhu

The first thing that comes to mind when I wake up in the morning is school. Then I snap out of what dream I was in even if it was the best dream in the world, I get up, brush my teeth and change into my school uniform. I then go wake up my mum and go downstairs to have breakfast. After I have my breakfast my mum has probably gotten ready to walk to school. Sometimes if it’s pouring cats and dogs my mum would drive me to school. Then once I have walked to school I go to the baghuts to put away my bag. Then I go inside and greet Mrs Dobson. I then go to class and sit on the floor or the couch or the little circle things (that’s gonna be the official term of the chair). I then do the role with the teacher, and when she sends us off I went to go get my stuff for my labs.

The first lab I had was SDL (well it isn’t really a lab but it counts as a block) In that block we had 45 minutes to do our SDL tasks. After that 45 minutes we went to our maths lab with Mrs Barrowman! We learnt about stem and leaf graphs, although it was educational it was also somewhat boring. Then it was morning tea, where we ate and talked to our friends. Then after morning tea we had literacy whanau, where we practised our play. For example I was the narrator so I had to practise my lines, the only downside was that it was the whole block, and a bit of the next block. Then that was the end of the day. I then walked home and had lunch.

3 thoughts on “A day in a life as a Kāhu

  1. Good writing but I get up should be I got up. Brush my teeth should be brushed my teeth. I then go wake up my mum should be then I went to wake up my mum. I then walked home and had lunch should be then I walked home and had lunch. lastly A day in a life as a Kahu should be written as A day as a Kahu.

  2. Very nice writing, I definitely enjoyed the details that you added to make it more interesting and the way you used different kinds of sentence starters so it wasn’t boring. I think you should work on expanding your vocabulary and punctuation. Keep it up Kath! 💗

  3. Hello Kafe!
    Wow, this is an interesting piece of writing.
    I loved the little details that just add to the text to make it even better, I also like how much punctuation you used to give your text a feeling of someone actually explaining it.
    Ka pai!
    Dayton Watson-Taumata

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