This is what I missed out on!
This week was the TGS swimming program for the piwakawaka, but the thing was I didn’t really want to do swimming because I already did swimming that week. I was a bit excited because usually I didn’t know anyone there but this time I could go swimming with my friends, but the thing was I had swimming the day before the piwakawaka school swimming trip.
I didn’t go swimming because swimming at school was on Wednesday but I had swimming on Tuesday. When I came home on Tuesday I realized that my swimming togs were wet and there were already clothes in the dryer, so the only logical thing I could do was to just say I either forgot my swimming togs or something else. I ended up just hoping that it would dry overnight but it didn’t so I just decided I couldn’t go swimming with my friends or so I thought. Because later on Wednesday when they came back they told the people that didn’t go swimming that they were separated in groups so you may have not been with a friend.
Well I think I’m not going swimming on Tuesday next week so let’s hope next Wednesday I can go swimming and see who the driver is and how nice they might be or not. I hope I can go next time!
its a shame you didn’t come swimming! but besides that this is very good