My experience at the science fair

As I walked to the busy gardens school hall I noticed so many experiments. I wondered which experiment was my daughter’s. I knew that it was busy but it turned even busier. I walked through the crowd, I saw so many people inspecting the projects. I saw some candles and I knew that it was my daughter. I made my way through and viewed the candles. I could see all the candles that she made. There also was a poster which in my opinion was creative. I looked in the opposite direction and saw some cute little cardboard houses. I walked up to them and that actually had quite a lot of detail in them. I noticed that there was insulation in the walls which was VERY realistic.

After I viewed the houses I noticed that there was a TV showing a presentation. I watched from afar because in front of the tv there were tons of people. I saw that they had made prototypes. The prototypes weren’t bad but I just saw some things that they could fix up like some of the walls were unstable, but I guess the students noticed that too. Overall the houses were pretty good! I then went back to the candles because apparently they were scented candles so I quickly made my way through the crowd to smell the candles. One of them smelled like lavender, another one of them smelled like something really sweet, maybe like a fruit? I went across to the left and I saw some food that was in a glass container. I then read the posters and it said that it was pickled stuff. That must have taken a bit to master. There also was preserved stuff. There was a laptop to interact with so I switched through the presentation.

After reviewing glorious food I went over to this place where there were clay items. It was super cool! There wasn’t much that interested me there but I was pretty interested in the pressed flower art and these glass beakers containing something that exploded! I then went over to some houses (well not really houses they were basically just wooden houses but still!). I looked inside and I saw some beds. It was complete but it looked pretty cool, in one house I saw that they had added carpet. YES CARPET! I’m not sure if it was a real carpet but either way they must have made a huge effort trying to make the houses.

 I then noticed that there was a paper apparently it was an auction. A silent auction,I wanted to buy them but I realised that I didn’t really want to spend money on houses that aren’t finished, but it was a really great effort! I then moved forward and saw volcanos. There was a tv in front of the volcanos and it was playing that volcano love story song. Apparently the volcano was going to erupt soon the next day at 3:00 PM. Sadly I had to work that day and was gonna finish at around 3:30 PM. I told her that the other day.

After viewing the volcanos I went to the next place. There were first-aid kits and other was talking about healthy things and why you should eat healthy items to improve your body. After that I went to the other end because I saw more items. I saw that there were some water items. I then saw a fishing rod and a bucket. I got one of the fishing rods and started trying to fish (of course it wasn’t real fishing but still). It was basically magnetic fishing and it was really fun! I was really bad at fishing because I kept losing the fish. I then saw there was a board game. I decided to play by myself because I didn’t want to stop anyone from viewing the fair. I kept losing so I just gave up and packed it up. 

After that I had to go home because school started. Overall the school fair was excellent and if I could I would go again. I saw so many projects that I had never seen in my life. Like the houses I can’t believe it was made out of scratch, and the volcanos was one of a kind. The pressed flower art was amazing too. The fair was so fun and all of the stalls had really well made projects. Both of the houses were amazing, especially the insulation because they really thought about that well. I just really like the concept of houses.

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