Today it was my first day at school at intermediate (mind you this is my thoughts) and I was extra nervous because I was starting intermediate. I had heard lots of bad things but as much as there were bad things there would be good things at least I thought. As my mum dropped me off I said bye! Then I headed up the hill, for some reason it was quiet nobody was here. I felt like I could drop a pin and actually hear it, I then tried going to the door and then I opened it surprisingly there was still nobody there. I then got the idea that I was in the school all alone! I started prancing and dancing jumping on the couch and then I dared myself to go to the monster’s lagoon (aka the staff room) I saw bundles of items in the fridge I then snacked on them almost like forever and then I heard “WAKE UP YOU’RE GOING TO BE LATE FOR SCHOOL” I then felt I light tap on my shoulder I opened my eyes and then I was lying in bed wondering what the heck just happened?