Kiwi and Kākāpō’s Assembly

The Gardens School is a School that helps students learn in unique ways. Sometimes they let hapori’s perform items like songs, painting shows and much more. Recently the teams Kiwi and Kākāpō set an amazing assembly for the whole school to watch. You might be wondering who is this Kiwi and Kākāpō people or are they birds? Well the school named the year 1s as Kiwi’s and for the year 2s they are called Kākāpō, the Kiwi and Kākāpō are on the same floor so they included the Kākāpōs with the Kiwi’s.

While I was watching the Kiwis and Kākāpō’s assembly they suddenly started dancing to the coconut song p, and there I knew that was the highlight of the assembly that had just brought me to my childhood as a year 1. I recognised my buddy from buddy reading and buddy maths. She was doing the Haka and I watched her cluelessly do the moves that she seemed to not know a bit. As an audience member I was super interested in what they did, but I wasn’ so interested that I stood up I just viewed from the end and admired their work. I felt that I was leading proudly as they passed me holding there paintings shyly. The Kiwi’s and Kākāpō’s assembly was and all but I think that the Kahu’s could do better (clearly not bias). I personally think that for our assembly we can try go for a funny theme because I think if we make it funny we will get more enjoyment out of the parents so when the parent walks out they could just think “wow what a great School”!

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