Have you ever been to Ambury Farm?

Have you ever been to Ambury Farm? A farm with plenty of animals and loads of milk production. You might be wondering why I am asking this? Well if you have never been to Ambury Farm, you are messing out.  A few days ago I visited Ambury Farm, because it was an educational trip that the people in the piwakawaka got to go to. It was one of the more interesting trips I got to go. The day was excellent but when it came to the last activity I got so scared (I will explain the activity later). The trip overall was excellent in fact it was even better than the other farm I had visited back in year 2 or 3. That farm was so smelly and had so much more poop than the farm I visited recently. I feel like Ambury Farm is a tiny bit cleaner than the one I visited in year 2 or 3, but I can’t say much because I don’t remember a lot.

I woke up in the morning on a Tuesday remembering that I had a trip. I quickly tried running to the bathroom and accidentally stubbed my toe on the door. I silently hopped around my bathroom with one leg and the other in my hand doing something stupid (it looked like I was trying to do a yoga pose but I had terrible balance). I then brushed my teeth and changed into my clothes. After I ate some breakfast I quickly walked to school and made it on time which was really relieving. We then did the roll and went over some of the necessary items we had to have. Then after that we all got separated in our groups, after we patiently waited for the bus (which didn’t take as long as I thought). When the bus finally arrived I realised that I WAS GOING TO BE THE LAST GROUP THAT ENTERED THE BUS, so one by one the groups slowly went into the bus. Once everyone else went in, my group finally went in. 

When we went on the bus I realised that it was gonna be a long bus ride which would be 30 minutes or so. I felt like I was going crazy in the bus, it was so loud like it was even louder than 10 people screaming. Finally after 30 minutes or so we finally exited the bus, my legs felt so numb it seemed that we had been in a bus for 30 minutes. When we got there we saw ducks! They were so cool, sadly we had to go to this grassy place where we were told to eat our morning tea quickly so we could start exploring the farm. I quickly ate my morning tea and placed my bag in this really dirty cupboard. The first activity I had was for ram shearing, although I didn’t know what a ram was I just assumed it was sheep shearing because we went into this building and on top of the door there was a sign saying sheep shearing, so I assumed it was sheep shearing.

When we first went inside I was disgusted by the smell, the smell was something that I would smell in a rotten food mixed with poop. We were seated on a bench, I then noticed that there were 2 men shearing rams (I thought they were sheep for a second but then the person who had led us here had pointed out that they were shearing rams). When they were shearing the rams, the rams were moving and looked like cats who kept moving their paws upside down. It was very entertaining and funny to watch the men who were shearing the rams try to get the ram still. I was enjoying it but then we had to go before the other group didn’t get to see all the rams sheared. The next thing I did was interesting, we learnt about fibres from animals. We first talked about it but then we got handed bags and got separated into groups we made ourselves.

Then we started matching photos with the fibres that the animals produced. At first I thought that the fibres looked weird, but then I realised that it was just what the animals produced. That was all for that activity. Then we ate some lunch because it was already pretty late by then. After that we went to go look at some animals, we saw plenty of animals like cows/pigs/chickens/sheep and much more. After that we explored more and saw a majestic peacock. After that we went back because it was time for our swap over. We then went inside again into the shed where we went last time. We then got taught how to make a very strong string with just sheep wool. At first I thought I was really bad at doing it because my wool didn’t look like even long lost ancestors to the man’s wool. The man’s wool looked fluffy but mine was separating like crazy. He then said we had to twist it and also pull, he said we needed 2 people so I got another person to be my partner. We then tried it over and over again but it kept breaking meanwhile half the class had already done 2 ply.

Once we finished the wool activity we went over to a shed. Once we were there we were told to sit on a table. Then the park ranger told us to get these 3 coloured types of wool. She then told us to separate the wool, then she said that we could see the fibres going up. She then said to place the wool facing up and the fibres going up, then she said to place the next colour landscape way meaning the fibres were going right or left. Then she said to put the next colour in the portrait and the fibres going up. After she told us to go to the sink, but not just yet she said we were going to soak it in hot water. After that she said we had to say “bubbles” in a super high pitched voice. She then slathered dishwashing liquid onto the felt. After that she said to rub rub rub and rub it more! Then she said “NOT LIKE THIS” AND SHE SLAPPED THE TABLE AS HARD AS POSSIBLE. I was scared but not as scared as my teacher Mrs Haywood, she screamed so loud! Then the ranger said that it was the first scream of the day which really surprised Mrs Haywood. After that we all went to the sinks and did exactly what she showed. After that we all went outside to show her. Sadly mine had a hole in it.

That was the last activity. After that we all got our bags and went on the bus. I felt really tired so I just fell asleep. The overall day was really fun. I forgot to mention that I even got to feed really cute bunnies! They were so cute, and they ate plenty of grass. The day was so fun even though my legs were so tired! I saw some interesting animals, and some stuff I don’t want to see. I also saw cows drink milk, they were so messy but they were really hungry. I just think that I could have explored more if we didn’t keep going to places we didn’t know if we were allowed to go in then we could explore more but it’s alright because we already explored enough for that day. When we came back to school I was so exhausted. Then the teachers noticed we were all bored or exhausted so we started playing a game. The game was pretty fun. It was a game where we couldn’t say yes/yea. The teacher asked different types of questions of the day. Just when she chose me the bell rang. It was annoying, but it’s fine! That was my day at the farm!


Have you ever heard of a bat dragon, it’s basically like a bat combined with a dragon. It has wings like a bat and the body shape is like a dragon. Sometimes bat dragons are very fierce, but some are kind and warm. The bat dragon can fly and can breathe out flames, because they both have their traits. Like dragons can fly and breathe fire. Bats can fly, sleep upside down and cover their face with their wings. Both the animals have wings so the animal that gets created has wings, it also seems that it has a lot of traits from the bat. I call it a bat dragon because it’s a combination of a bat and a dragon!

The habitat of the bat dragon is a cave. The bat dragon will go upside down and cover its eyes. It would look like a cacoon. Whenever it breathed it would blow out of its nostrils. When the bat dragon wakes up it goes to find their prey, they usually try to find a pig. Bat dragons love to eat pork/pig for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Apparently bat dragons think that pork/pig is a delectable meal, sadly some bat dragons can’t find pigs so instead they just resort to watermelon (even if it’s not in season). Some bat dragons are vegetarian so they instead just go hunt for fruits that are as delectable and delicious as pork/pig. Bat dragons aren’t very dangerous, they just probably prefer to sleep and not harm anyone. Although if you frighten the bat dragon then who knows what will happen some people say that you will be gone in a “puff!”

The special abilities about a bat dragon is that they can have wings as a shield. Say that a dragon saw that the bat dragon had stolen its cave, the bat dragon already has its wings on its eyes so even if he blows fire nothing will happen. The bat dragon has fire resistance and it is crazy powerful. Another ability that the dragon is able to do is to breathe fire, although it’s a spectacular power the bat dragon needs to be able to control in order to use it. A crazy other power is that bat dragons can fly, although bat dragons have fire resistance and fire breath it can also fly. Bat dragons are really powerful creatures so if you ever see them, never frighten them. Bat dragons overall have super fantastic special abilities that any other creature would be happy to have!

A bat dragon comes in all different shapes and sizes. The appearance of a bad dragon is very special. The bad dragons had a red and black theme. The bat dragon has red horns and red and black wings. The bat dragon has white fangs which are very shiny, although I think that the bat dragon secretly brushes his two fangs because he always has the shiniest teeth in town. The bat dragon has a very small tail, so small in fact that you could even trip over it if you needed to! The bat dragon has black feet, but I think that red feet would suit the bat dragon better (it’s alright because I can’t change that). The bat dragon has ears that are black, and they have cat-like ears. They look like cat ears but with black and skin colour inside. The bat dragon has a dragon body and has a bat-like head, it has dragon-like wings and has a red horn on the head. The whole bad dragon has a very cool combination of colours like all exotic creatures that live in caves (although I don’t think that creatures that live in caves have much colour).

The bat dragon’s personality is a mixture of bravery and almost every personality. It depends on the moment. The bat dragons show bravery when it goes to fetch food, the bat dragon could get seriously hurt that’s how it shows bravery. Another personality trait about a bat dragon is lazy. Sometimes bat dragons don’t want to show bravery so they just pretend to be sick or some extraordinary excuse. Another personality trait is shy, sometimes bat dragons want to show bravery and go get their prey but they are too shy. Hungry is a huge personality trait, bat dragons are constantly hungry needing more bat dragons to go and fetch more food. Hungry and lazy basically are the most common bat dragons although bat dragons can change over the course of life.

If you want to interact with a bat dragon follow these steps. The first step is to try to locate a bat dragon, to locate a bat dragon you will need to find the darkest cave in the mountains. You also need to bring necessities with you like food and water. Once you have located the darkest cave in the mountains you then move onto phase 2. Phase 2 (phase 2 is like the second step) you must bring a flashlight and discover the cave. Once you find a bat dragon, you have to try to bring it over to you with food! I suggest getting it’s favourite food (which is pork/pig or any good fruits). After that you move onto phase 3. Phase 3 once you have done that you give the bat dragon the food.  You then move onto phase 4. All you have to do is to just do something and the bat dragon will copy. It’s a very amazing creature and if you ever find a bat dragon be sure to carry food with you.

Bat dragons are overall amazing but I suggest always keeping food with you. Taming/interacting with it is a really amazing journey, but as always you need to feed a bat dragon’s favourite food or it won’t do anything. Never ever I tell you to find a bat dragon and start rolling around (you will look like an idiot). Sometimes bat dragons are willing to try new foods so if you want to take your chances then you can. If it doesn’t work I suggest not to run because a bat dragon can go in the air and hang onto your t-shirt or whatever your wearing.

Athletics Day

Has anyone ever heard of the Olympics? Well I have, but that’s besides the point. Every year at the garden school there are events that are held almost every year like: Athletics day. If you’re wondering what athletics day is, it’s basically a knock off version of the Olympics (not really but it’s just not the same as the Olympics) except there aren’t countries competing, it’s house colours. If you don’t know what house colours are it’s basically colours that students get sorted in at the start of the year. Sadly you cannot change colours, you just stick to the colour you got from year 1 to year 8 (or whatever year you joined at the school). Every year the students compete in cross country, athletics and so on, and at the end of the day they announce the house winner!

When I arrived at school today I knew it was going to be trouble. I saw everyone in their house colours or in their fitness gear. Luckily I didn’t sign up for any sprinting mainly because I’m slow and I suck at running, so I signed up for every fielding event. When I entered the classroom the whole classroom was already on the mat, so I quickly found a spot to sit. After we did the roll the teachers told us to get our bags. Once we did that the teachers led us to the bus. Before leaving they did a classroom check to see if everyone was there (it was very chaotic). When we went on the bus, it was a really weird experience because there was a black tube in the center of the bus (I’m not sure how to explain it). I then sat down and waited till we got to the park (more specific Massey park). After the teachers introduced the reason why we were here all dressed up as our house colours (although I already knew the reason was athletics day).

My first event of the day was high jump. We had to go to the high jump at 9:45 on the dot. I was really confused on where it was so I tried asking some people but they all said they didn’t have a high jump. Then I tried exiting the fence/barrier but fortunately other people were heading to high jump so I followed them. I was so relieved that I made it because I did not want to be late for my first ever event. When we made it to high jump they introduced us to how to do the high jump. I was somehow the first in line, so I had to go first. They told me to go to one of the 2 dots, I chose the one closest to me. They then told me to go run diagonal and try to jump over the bar. I failed tremendously, apparently I was supposed to hop on one leg when I got to the bar and then I was supposed to lift up somehow. What’s shocking me is that I can’t jump on two feet.

After high jump I had a long jump (which was at 10:20). Long jump was really close to the high jump so I had no trouble finding it. Long jump was pretty simple. We just had to run up and jump, but we have a line if we passed the line and jumped then we would be disqualified. To be honest I think that I did really bad, the first time was alright but the second time I got sand in my shoes which made the rest of the day uncomfortable. After the long jump I had discus (which I don’t remember what time). We basically had a really bad time finding it, we first went to the little kids discus then we finally went to the senior discus. I’m just gonna say I sucked at discus, like the first throw I didn’t even make it out of the net. The teacher told me I could take another turn since I didn’t understand the concept on how to throw a discus. Then on my “second ” throw I actually made it out, but just barely.

The last event I had was shot put, but it was 1-2 hours from discus, so I just watched the races. My friends also did really well in their races! One of them even came 1st in one of the sprints. It took a while but the shot put finally came. Sadly I was also horrible at shot put but I put a lot of effort and sadly effort didn’t help. I do think I could have done some sprinting but maybe next year!


Have you ever heard of a hāngī? It’s a traditional New Zealand Māori method of cooking food using heated rocks buried in a pit oven, called an umu. However we haven’t talked about why it’s important to the Māori culture. Māori were aware that the earth was the giver of all life, from the soil came food and that same food was cooked beneath the earth. That is why the traditional way of cooking for Māori was in a pit under the ground in an oven called a hangi.

Step 1: First you need common vegetables and some common meat. After that, start digging a pit. A hāngī pit is dug to a depth of between 50-100 cm, to hold the rocks and two stacked baskets of food. It shouldn’t take too long to dig, but if you have more people, it will be faster and the hole will be dug so fast! Step 2: After getting stones, iron and wood and light. Start stacking the stone, iron, wood and light. Do the stone first then the iron, wood, and then once you have stacked the others only then stack the light.

Step 3: After stacking and digging, heat the hāngī stones for a minimum of three hours until white hot (Do it until iron is red hot) – this is to ensure they are hot enough to thoroughly cook the food. Step 4: While waiting for a few hours, you start preparing the vegetables and meat. It might take a bit longer than other people if you were going to cook a feast. After that wrap and keep it away from the wrap. After that you can wait for it to heat up or you can just tell someone else to wait for it to heat up! If that person gets bored you both can just do it and entertain each other. 

Step 5: After it is heated up you then start to fill the pit in with the stone and iron etc. Step 6: You get the food you prepared before and then you put the hāngī/Kai in the pit with all the hot stuff. After that, cover it in wet clothes and sacks. Step 7: After that put earth/the dirt you dug up on the top so no steam can get out. It might take a while for one person but more people will make it easier for you to put earth on the top.

Step 8: Wait a few hours. While you’re waiting you can use the time to get to know your Whanau. Step 9: Get your Whanau to help you dig up the pit, then get it, serve it and enjoy it. If you like it make sure that you remember how to make it because it is hard to find on the internet!


Personally I have never tried hāngī, but I hope I can try it in the future. Hāngī is a traditional food that includes so many steps, but in the end I think that all the hard work and effort was worth it because it must taste good because it’s made by earth and mostly heated with wood, iron etc.

Three luxurious I would bring to Mars

Have you ever been to space? Well actually Mars but still. If you were to bring 3 luxurious items to Mars what would you bring? It can’t be necessities like oxygen or stuff you need in your daily life. There’s no budget, you can just buy whatever you would want to bring to space that’s luxurious and you don’t even need to spend a penny.

The first item I would bring is my most prized person, my husband Chelsea. It’s not Chelsea from Barbie, it’s Chelsea Russell. I need her because she’s my husband. She’s the most important person in my 3 things. I need her because first, entertainment second she’s so good at starfishing. Third, I need to have company. Also, we are married, you can’t go wrong with bringing someone you’re married to. If you judge me or her we will stab you even in Mars. Fourth, I need her to help me set up the next thing.

The second thing I’m gonna bring is a princess bouncy castle. As I told you before I needed my husband to blow air in the princess bouncy castle and if she doesn’t I’m gonna need to capture air from a jar which isn’t a very good idea. I found out that I need some machine that puts oxygen in the princess bouncy castle. First I need the princess bouncy castle because I’m a queen, second I need to have some entertainment other than my husband. I also think that I need to get some exercise even on Mars, another reason is that I need the bouncy castle because I don’t get tired often so I want to tire myself and basically sleep through the long journey.

The third item I would bring is a balloon animal, because you have to have some sanity while taking a journey to Mars. I mean it might take years. Second thought I just figured out that it will take 7 months. I mean I could turn into an elder at that point. Balloon animals are also fun because you can just jump in the princess bouncy castle while holding it and try to make challenges and stuff. Just so you don’t lose a lot of sanity or does it make you lose way more sanity? Who knows? I just want to have fun, but if I brought a book to Mars I would basically die from being bored. I might be dramatic but MANY PEOPLE DIE A YEAR AND WHO KNOWS HOW THEY DIED!

I may have brought all my things for entertainment but still at least I’m not gonna be bored for a lot of time I mean, if I’m bored of my husband I can move on to the princess bouncy castle and once I get bored of the princess bouncy castle I can go to the balloon animal, then restart and keep doing it.


My husband

A recipe for failure


  • An eruption of disappointment from your parents
  • A sprinkle of being annoying to your friends
  • A hint of being really dumb
  • A shower of being stinky
  • A tornado of clumsiness 
  • A hurricane of idiocy
  • Rainbow showers of bad choices


Step 1: First pour in the shower of stickiness into a bowl

Step 2: In a separate bowl pour in half of the bad choices 

Step 3: In the first bowl pour in the hurricane of idiocy

Step 4: In the second bowl pour in the eruption of disappointment from your parents

Step 5: Slowly whisk the first bowl than add the second bowl and than start adding the other half of bad choices

Step 6: After add the tornado of clumsiness 

Step 7: Add a hint of being really dumb

Step 8: Add a sprinkle of being annoying to your friends

Step 9: Whisk it all together and put it in the fridge and eat it to be a failure.


Ghana’s Flag

The Commonwealth Games is a unique, multi-sport event that is held once every four years and is often referred to as the “Friendly Games”. Commonwealth games are held in different countries but Edinburgh was the first city to host the games twice (1970 & 1986 therefore was the first city to to host the games twice).

On 6 March 1957 Ghana became independent meaning that Ghana could participate in the commonwealth games that started in 1930. Ghana’s official name is Republic of Ghana, but people prefer to say just Ghana. The people that live in Ghana are called Ghanaians. The Ghanaian people are a nation originating in the Ghanaian Gold Coast. Ghana have won fifty-seven medals at the Commonwealth Games, including fifteen gold, but have never won the Commonwealths games. Ghana has competed in 16 commonwealth games.

Children in Ghana begin two years of kindergarten at the age of four. Then all children ages 6-12 attend six years of elementary education. If families can afford it, children go on to secondary education. Ghana’s school system is more advanced than many of its African neighbors. There are over 50 different groups in Ghana, each with their own customs and languages, but the country is harmonious and peaceful. The Akan tribe is the largest group and makes up about 45 percent of the population. They live mostly in villages and grow their food on farms. The traditional cloth of the Ghanaian people is the bright and colorful kente cloth.

There are six national parks and many smaller nature reserves, which were set up to help protect Ghana’s wildlife. There are over 650 butterfly species in the Kakum National Park, including the giant swallowtails, which are nearly 8 inches (20 centimeters) across. The park is also home to leopards, hornbills, Diana monkeys, flying squirrels, and scarlet-tailed African gray parrots. Elephants, leopards, wild buffalo, and antelope were once plentiful across the savanna, but now are found mostly in nature reserves. Crocodiles, warthogs, and hippos can be seen around the watering holes in the Mole National Park. Poisonous snakes such as the cobra and puff adder are native to Ghana as are pythons, which don’t bite, but can squeeze their victims to death.

Overall I think Ghana is a cool country and I hope I can visit it one day. On the other hand, the commonwealth games are pretty interesting. There are many sports to see and a lot of people with skill.

Tessellation art/ Geometry art

On Wednesday we started to do tessellation art/geometry art. The art was really hard. We had to make it even and had to put it in the right spot and blah blah blah. The only fun part was that I got to watercolour but it seemed that everything wanted me to take forever on each thing. What I mean is that I spent 2 whole days at school watercolouring and I still somehow finished it. We did art related to maths because it was maths week, so we had to do art relating to maths.

Step 1.. Draw, Cut, Tape. The first step was to cut out a perfect 5cm square. I got lazy so I just used square shapes. Then I drew a curved line in the corner and then I cut it out. I did the same thing to the other corner. I really quickly tried doing this but I kept messing up. At one point I was so annoyed I almost gave up, but then I realised that my friend was almost down tracing! Which is the next step. I quickly asked her if I could use her template because my templates were so ugly! The video I watched didn’t really help much either. She went really fast and I don’t know if it’s me but it was hard to draw curve lines.

Step 2.. Trace!  Once my friend was done she handed me the template and I felt that my life was once great again (not trying to be dramatic). I then quickly tried to trace around the fish, but that didn’t end well. All of the fishes I traced had lumps like there was a straight line and then there was a lump. My friend saw that I had gone through 5 papers and she told me to use an eraser, but it was too late so yeah… She saw I was struggling and she said that I had to be slow and steady. I tried it and for once in my life I made a perfect fish. I kept going really slow but by the time I got to my 5th fish I had to go swimming. That’s for another time.

Step 3: Waterproof marker and watercolours! When we got back from swimming I quickly went back to my seat and finished tracing my last fishes. I then borrowed one of my friends’ sharpies and then I quickly traced, and fortunately I didn’t make any mistakes. After that I got to colour with watercolours. I could really finish it so the next day I had to come in and finish it. I think the result was amazing!

I luckily finished my art work just before the end of the week. I kinda rushed it, but overall it was pretty nice. It was a bit of a messy week but it somehow worked. I guess we were flexible this week.


This is what I missed out on!

This week was the TGS swimming program for the piwakawaka, but the thing was I didn’t really want to do swimming because I already did swimming that week. I was a bit excited because usually I didn’t know anyone there but this time I could go swimming with my friends, but the thing was I had swimming the day before the piwakawaka school swimming trip. 

I didn’t go swimming because swimming at school was on Wednesday but I had swimming on Tuesday. When I came home on Tuesday I realized that my swimming togs were wet and there were already clothes in the dryer, so the only logical thing I could do was to just say I either forgot my swimming togs or something else. I ended up just hoping that it would dry overnight but it didn’t so I just decided I couldn’t go swimming with my friends or so I thought. Because later on Wednesday when they came back they told the people that didn’t go swimming that they were separated in groups so you may have not been with a friend.

Well I think I’m not going swimming on Tuesday next week so let’s hope next Wednesday I can go swimming and see who the driver is and how nice they might be or not. I hope I can go next time!

The Week in Review

This week was basically the worst it had Cross Country on Wednesday, and if you know me I absolutely hate Cross Country! Like everything about Cross Country makes me anxious and also worried that I will get last place. The only thing that is worse than last place is getting last place 2x in a row. No, it’s not the worst thing, the worst thing is getting last place 3x in a row! I hope that I could at least get to the top 10 one day. (I’m not a very athletic person)


Mondays… they are usually boring and it’s 1+ days till TGS Cross Country. The first subject is usually maths so good luck to me because maths isn’t the easiest subject. Today we learnt how to use a compass, not the one you use to navigate but the ones that somehow make perfect circles. Me and my friend, Ha Lan were in the same workshop so we had the same workshop follow up. Our follow up was supposed to be drawing equivalent triangles with composes but me and Ha Lan couldn’t even draw a perfect circle. On the way through drawing the circles we used at least 20 scrap paper. When Miss Griffin (Our maths teacher) came up to us she started laughing at how many times we attempted to draw circles and said “Have you guys heard of an eraser” and me and Ha Lan turned red. We were so embarrassed.


Reading… We just got new reading groups/S.T.E.A.M honestly I don’t mind. Reading was just like normal although I think that the vocabulary that we learnt was slightly hard. I then spent the whole entire block doing the workshop follow up so sadly I skipped my SSR/RRJ. I hope my teachers don’t find out! Actually I don’t know if they might or they might not. Our teacher was a bit late for our workshop so we ended a bit later than usual. Well there are 3 sections in our block so the first block I had my workshop for 30 minutes, then I had to do my workshop follow up. In the beginning of this paragraph I said I skipped my SSR/RRJ. It’s because I know that our workshop follow up shouldn’t take a whole hour but it just depends if it takes really long. I don’t know anymore because sometimes I just somehow finish my workshop follow up and then I am able to do my SSR/RRJ. It’s a bit confusing nowadays.


S.T.E.A.M. I have a pretty interesting topic. My S.T.E.A.M name is called “Burn Baby Burn”. I’m in the group with my friend, me and her were super excited to burn stuff assuming from the title. On the first day of our new workshops for S.T.E.A.M we learnt some new vocabulary and learnt the meanings. The second day we actually burnt candles and inspected them. I was very surprised because I didn’t really inspect candles regularly so it was all pretty cool. We then had to fill in some slides and answer the questions. S.T.E.A.M is pretty decent but the vocabulary is really hard to remember. Like it’s not commonly used words (I mean if you’re a scientist I mean obviously you use those complex words) I mean who uses viscosity like it’s not a normal day used word. I can go on and on with words that I don’t understand much but I am just lazy.


Cross Country… the dreaded day. I was so anxious. Ha Lan and I were planning to jog or walk the race but guess what? I sprinted at the start, so automatically I had a stitch when we were out of sight and everyone was walking. I told my friend that and she said that she didn’t have a stitch and that she sort of jogged the start. Definitely next time at the start I am NOT sprinting. I’m not even fast so I don’t know why I literally sprinted. The thing is I do know why I sprinted. I was just a bit worried I would be last and my house would be disappointed so I guess I just tried to be as fast as I could. Of course I wasn’t even in front, I was in the middle so I just barely made it before some people. As soon as we were out of sight everyone was just walking because I think they might have just ran the whole thing. Later in the race my stitch got even worse so that was lovely but I finished the race walking. I somehow beat my friend because I sprinted at the end.


Art! It’s basically better than any running. This term we got to do watercolours. They were so fun but I may or may not have started again maybe like 2 times. For our watercolours art we had to learn techniques. We put them in 4 sections, one of them was “Waterproof Marker” and then some other ones. For the first section we had to do an outline of our drawing then start using the watercolours to start colouring. I kept trying to use small strokes for my balloons but it just seemed like I was really bad at colouring in with watercolours. I think watercolours have something against me because I restarted and then kept restarting until the point where I just stopped and then it was pack up time. I can not believe that I actually spent the whole entire hour or so doing nothing. It really isn’t the greatest achievement. I mean is it even an achievement?


Well the whole week has been really messy and my legs still hurt from running but overall I think it was a really crazy and fun week. We had Cross Country and we had some fun art. Come to think of it, we didn’t have much reading, and to be honest I haven’t been doing my goosechase I’m so ashamed of myself for letting myself get so caught up in my workshop follow up.