Exploring sea animals
what I know:
— blue ringed octopuses are the most dangerously and venomous cephalopod.
— dolphins use echolocation.
— blue whales are the biggest sea animal.
— angler fish use their glowing antennae to lure fish in to eat them.
— a baby stingray is called a pup.
— lion fish are venomous.
— octopi can go out of the water for a short amount of time.
— some sea snakes are venomous.
what I want to learn:
— how certain fish evolved to live in some of the deepest part of the ocean.
— how octopuses evolved to change their colour.
— crabs habitat in the ocean.
— where sharks go to lay eggs.
3 questions for a marine biologist:
1. What’s it like to be a marine biologist?
2. How do you become a marine biologist?
3. How long did you have to be in university?