Guardians of the Earth


In the world today the earth is facing many problems and some are caused due to human activity. If you’ve done research on the environment before you have probably came across the saying “There is no planet B” this means that there is no second earth and we should do our best to protect it. In this piece of writing I will tell you about 3 different problems in the environment and how you could help.


Pollution is a very common problem and because it’s so common there’s also different types the first one I will talk about is air pollution. Air pollution is different chemicals being created and being shot out into the sky, this is created by human activity and is mostly made from buildings like factories. The second pollution topic is water pollution, this is when rubbish or unwanted things go into our ocean. This is another human activity millions of people throw rubbish into the ocean and the numbers prove it. It is said that every year over 8 million tones of plastic goes into our ocean. Pollution is a big problem and how you can help is by picking up rubbish, learning how to recycle or not using products that release gas or chemicals into the air.


Deforestation happens all over the globe and most of it is human activity but some of it is caused by climate change or global warming. Trees give us oxygen and all these forests getting destroyed could cancel out clean air in certain areas completely. Not only are the trees being destroyed but also the animals that live there natural habitats are being taken away from them and some animals either can’t make it out fast enough or have terrible injuries. Forests can grow back after being destroyed but that can often take up to decades so something you could do to help are join a community that specializes in growing back forests, growing plants in your backyard or donating to experts.

Ocean acidification:

Ocean acidification is mostly about the ocean absorbing chemicals from the atmosphere and here’s how it happens. First the ocean absorbs carbon dioxide from the air which can be up to 30% and once absorbed the chemicals go into the ocean. When the carbon dioxide is absorbed by the seawater a reaction happens where it forms with the molecules and creates carbonic acid. This can also break down into hydrogen ion and bicarbonate. These chemicals decrease the seawaters pH levels which is bad because it stops coral and plants like seaweed from growing which is what a lot of fish feed on. Ways you can help is stopping air pollution and sending gas into the air, or using your gas powered vehicles less.


All these environmental problems could change our earths future lucky for us we still have time make a difference. These problems could change the world for the worse. Kaitiakitanga means guardianship to our land and sea, live by that motto and change the world for the better not for the worse.


  1. Dear Lara,

    There is nothing much I can say that you need to improve in your writing other than maybe next time you could write about how we can help change out world/lives.

    Over all I love your writing piece!

    Kind Regards Ishita Luthra

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