For years the gardens school has done tree planting for the community towards helping the environment. This year a group of year 7s and 8s traveled to Miss Fowler farm in Clevedon to do some tree planting. We all meet at school in the morning did the roll and got the bus heading to the farm. The bus ride was and as we were pulling up to Miss Fowler farm me and my friends were playing a game of how many horses we could spot because there were a lot. When we got there we sat down to have a quick morning tea and got ready to do planting. We started heading over to where we were going to plant the trees and meet this lady that works for trees for survival and she gave us a quick tutorial on how to plant the tress. After the lady was done explaining we got straight to it, I’m pretty sure we had over 700 trees to plant in 1 day which is a big task. A small problem came up later about people not planting the trees properly but it was all sorted out in the end. After about 3 hours of work we finally had which was sausage sizzle also known as delicious. When we were finished lunch we were all chilling and getting packed up to go back to school. The bus arrived a couple minutes later and took us back to school it was a fun ride back. By the time we came back to school we had just enough time to get changed out of our P.E. Gear and head back to class before the bell rings. Tree planting was so fun and I enjoyed it a lot hopefully I’ll get another chance to do it next year.
Hey Lara this is a great piece of writing tree planting was so fun we planted so many tree together and I love how you showed your emotions in the writing.
Thanks Gurleen I enjoyed tree planting as well!
I love the detail in this writing, keep up the good work 👍