
Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro is Goat 🐐

He went to a flight

His shoot is like the speed of light.

His opponents are scared 

He is fully prepared.


When he hits the ball it makes a scream

He is fully prepared with his team.

His muscles are like Thor

He never misses a score


He is always massively mellow 

His shirt colour is banana yellow.

He is better than Messi 

He likes Pepsi.

10 replies on “Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro is Goat 🐐”

Feather 1. Very good rhyming scheme that you used!
Feather 2. I really like that the sentences actually make sense!
Wings 3. Everything was perfect! But if there is one thing you can improve on is making it longer.

Dear: Maanveer

I like your poem it is very nice it also has a rhyming scheme and sound good. It gives detail about the player and tells me more about him your poem is something the world would like to hear.

From: Gurfateh

Really nice Poem, Maanveer.
I liked how you used your rhyming scheme and I very much agree with about that Ronaldo is better than Messi.

I really like your poem, Maanveer i liked your rhyming schemes is was very good You should use this in a rap song! SIUU

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