Week 9 Steam

When we came back from our holiday it was semester three. We had to plant and our teacher gave us three options basil, cucumber or tomato I chose basil. Throughout the semester we had to take care of are plants. But before we had to take care of are plants we had to prepare. First we got a cup then put soil after that our teacher gave us seeds then I chose the basil then I put a little hole for my seed after I put my seed in the soil I covered my basil seeds with a bit of soil. After a few weeks it started to sprout and boom I had a basil plant growing.

Week 5 Steam

This week we put half a cup of water in are then we got to choose what colour dye we wanted we chose blue then we put in are celery we left it over night then it turned blue.

We did some science so we had to get threecups.

Then we brought out are first cup we put soil inside then we planted are seed. After we put a little hole at the bottom to be like a drainage. For this one it will have no sunlight then we will see if it will grow.

Our 2nd cup we put in the same amount of soil as are last one. Then we added our seed and gave it water. For this one we did not give it a drainage hole but we did give it sunlight.

For our third cup we added the same amount of soil we also added hole and a drainage hole but for this one we put it in a cold place it still got sunlight.

Our last cup but not least for this one we